5 results

Balancing the rights of parents and children: The Children (Scotland) Bill 2019

Barnes Macfarlane, L. (2019)
Balancing the rights of parents and children: The Children (Scotland) Bill 2019. https://www.parliament.scot/parliamentarybusiness/CurrentCommittees/112969.aspx: Scottish Parliament Justice Committee
The Scottish Government is in the process of updating the Family Justice system. This includes the legislation regulating how family court law cases (i.e. disputes about chil...

Use and Implementation of OCR Chapter 33AA in Section 11 Order Proceedings.

Whitecross, R. & Lindsay, C. (2017)
Use and Implementation of OCR Chapter 33AA in Section 11 Order Proceedings. Edinburgh: Scottish Courts and Tribunal Service
This report presents the findings of a small-scale study designed and undertaken by the researchers between October 2016 and February 2017. The research was commissioned by th...

Mental Health and Unemployment in Scotland: Understanding the impact of welfare reforms in Scotland for individuals with mental health conditions

Maclean, G., Marks, A. & Cowan, S. (2017)
Mental Health and Unemployment in Scotland: Understanding the impact of welfare reforms in Scotland for individuals with mental health conditions. Edinburgh: Carnegie Trust
During 2016, 30 individuals with a mental health condition (who claimed ESA, have had their ESA withdrawn and moved on to JSA, or have been directed into the WRAG group based ...

What Works to Reduce Crime - A Survey of the Evidence

Levy, L., Santhkumaran, D., & Whitecross, R. W. (2014)
What Works to Reduce Crime - A Survey of the Evidence. Edinburgh: Scottish Government
A systematic review of the available literature based on a logic model approach to crime reduction.

Dissemination of Solar Energy Technologies for Rural Electrification in Kenya – Challenges & Opportunities

Kerr, G., & Amakobe, W. (2014)
Dissemination of Solar Energy Technologies for Rural Electrification in Kenya – Challenges & Opportunities. African Centre for Technology Studies
Understanding the challenges and opportunities in the solar energy technology value chain is essential for key actors in order to disseminate these technologies for rural elec...