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5 results

Balancing the rights of parents and children: The Children (Scotland) Bill 2019

Barnes Macfarlane, L. (2019)
Balancing the rights of parents and children: The Children (Scotland) Bill 2019. Scottish Parliament Justice Committee
The Scottish Government is in the process of updating the Family Justice system. This includes the legislation regulating how family court law cases (i.e. disputes about chil...

Getting the balance right: human rights in residual jurisdiction rules of English courts for cross-border torts via social media

Book Chapter
Gillies, L. E. (2017)
Getting the balance right: human rights in residual jurisdiction rules of English courts for cross-border torts via social media. In L. E. Gillies, & D. Mangan (Eds.), The Legal Challenges of Social Media (249-269). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
This chapter elects as its focus the need to balance human rights in English residual jurisdiction rules for cross-border torts via social media. Private international law app...

The Legal Challenges of Social Media

Mangan, D., & Gillies, L. E. (Eds.)
(2017). The Legal Challenges of Social Media. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Social media enables instant access to individual self-expression and the sharing of information. Social media issues are boundless, permeating distinct legal disciplines. The...

Fundamental rights and judicial cooperation in the decisions of the Court of Justice on the Brussels I Regulation 2009-2014: the story so far

Book Chapter
Gillies, L. (2015)
Fundamental rights and judicial cooperation in the decisions of the Court of Justice on the Brussels I Regulation 2009-2014: the story so far. In S. Morano-Foadi, & L. Vickers (Eds.), Fundamental Rights in the EU: A Matter for Two Courts (211-229). Oxford: Hart
“…as from the date of entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon, 1 December 2009, the fundamental principles of EU law and the EU system of judicial protection such as primacy,...

Reflections on Gender Recognition: civil and criminal aspects

Presentation / Conference
Macfarlane, L. (2005, June)
Reflections on Gender Recognition: civil and criminal aspects. Paper presented at Scottish Universities Law Conference
No abstract available.