6 results

Herd-level prevalence of selected endemic infectious diseases of dairy cows in Great Britain

Journal Article
Velasova, M., Damaso, A., Prakashbabu, B. C., Gibbons, J., Wheelhouse, N., Longbottom, D., …Guitian, J. (2017)
Herd-level prevalence of selected endemic infectious diseases of dairy cows in Great Britain. Journal of Dairy Science, 100(11), 9215-9233. https://doi.org/10.3168/jds.2016-11863
To implement appropriate and effective disease control programs at national level, up-to-date and unbiased information on disease frequency is needed. The aim of this study w...

Pathogenic outcome following experimental infection of sheep with Chlamydia abortus variant strains LLG and POS

Journal Article
Livingstone, M., Wheelhouse, N., Ensor, H., Rocchi, M., Maley, S., Aitchison, K., …Longbottom, D. (2017)
Pathogenic outcome following experimental infection of sheep with Chlamydia abortus variant strains LLG and POS. PLOS ONE, 12(5), https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0177653
This study investigated the pathogenesis of two variant strains (LLG and POS) of Chlamydia abortus, in comparison to a typical wild-type strain (S26/3) which is known to be re...

Ovine trophoblasts express cathelicidin host defence peptide in response to infection

Journal Article
Coyle, C., Wheelhouse, N., Jacques, M., Longbottom, D., Svoboda, P., Pohl, J., …Barlow, P. G. (2016)
Ovine trophoblasts express cathelicidin host defence peptide in response to infection. Journal of Reproductive Immunology, 117, 10-16. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jri.2016.06.006
Cationic host defence peptides (CHDP; also known as antimicrobial peptides) are key components of the immune response in the female reproductive tract. The role of the placent...

Steroid signalling in the ovarian surface epithelium

Journal Article
Rae, M. T., & Hillier, S. G. (2005)
Steroid signalling in the ovarian surface epithelium. Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism, 16(7), 327-333. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tem.2005.07.002
Human ovarian surface epithelium (HOSE) undergoes serial injury-repair with each ovulation, which is probably why most ovarian epithelial cancers arise there. Considering the ...

Impact of maternal undernutrition and fetal number on glucocorticoid, growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor receptor mRNA abundance in the ovine fetal kidney

Journal Article
Brennan, K. A., Gopalakrishnan, G. S., Kurlak, L., Rhind, S. M., Kyle, C. E., Brooks, A. N., …Symonds, M. E. (2005)
Impact of maternal undernutrition and fetal number on glucocorticoid, growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor receptor mRNA abundance in the ovine fetal kidney. Reproduction, 129, 151-159. https://doi.org/10.1530/rep.1.00229
Epidemiological and animal studies strongly indicate that the environment experienced in utero determines, in part, an individual’s likelihood of developing cardiovascular dis...

Specific Non-Genomic, Membrane-Localized Binding Sites for Progesterone in the Bovine Corpus Luteum1

Journal Article
Rae, M. T., Menzies, G. S., McNeilly, A. S., Woad, K., Webb, R., & Bramley, T. A. (1998)
Specific Non-Genomic, Membrane-Localized Binding Sites for Progesterone in the Bovine Corpus Luteum1. Biology of Reproduction, 58(6), 1394-1406. https://doi.org/10.1095/biolreprod58.6.1394
Fractionation of bovine corpus luteum (CL) homogenates on continuous sucrose density gradients with and without preincubation with 3H-progesterone demonstrated high levels of ...