8 results

Scoping the nursing and midwifery research and development capacity in Scotland to inform the development of a future strategy

Journal Article
Fyffe, T., & Hanley, J. (2002)
Scoping the nursing and midwifery research and development capacity in Scotland to inform the development of a future strategy. NT research, 7(4), 255-262. https://doi.org/10.1177/136140960200700404
Scotland is currently developing a nursing and midwifery research strategy. This paper briefly describes the process and the groundwork carried out so far. Consultation on ini...

Nurses’ views on the impact of mass media on the public perception of nursing and nurse–service user interactions

Journal Article
Hoyle, L. P., Kyle, R., & Mahoney, C. (2017)
Nurses’ views on the impact of mass media on the public perception of nursing and nurse–service user interactions. Journal of Research in Nursing, 22(8), 586-596. https://doi.org/10.1177/1744987117736363
Aims: To examine nurses’ views on the impact that mass media has on service users and how this affects nurse/service user interactions. Background: Internationally, the mass m...

Can theory be embedded in visual interventions to promote self-management? A proposed model and worked example

Journal Article
Williams, B., Anderson, A., Barton, K., & McGhee, J. (2012)
Can theory be embedded in visual interventions to promote self-management? A proposed model and worked example. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 49, 1598-1609
Nurses are increasingly involved in a range of strategies to encourage patient behaviours that improve self-management. If nurses are to be involved in, or indeed lead, the de...

Measuring patient activation: The utility of the Patient Activation Measure within a UK context—Results from four exemplar studies and potential future applications

Journal Article
Roberts, N. J., Kidd, L., Dougall, N., Patel, I. S., McNarry, S., & Nixon, C. (2016)
Measuring patient activation: The utility of the Patient Activation Measure within a UK context—Results from four exemplar studies and potential future applications. Patient Education and Counseling, 99(10), 1739-1746. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pec.2016.05.006
Objective Patient activation can be measured using the Patient Activation Measure (PAM) developed by Hibbard et al., however, little is known about the uses of the PAM in rese...

Protocol for validation of the 4AT, a rapid screening tool for delirium: a multicentre prospective diagnostic test accuracy study

Journal Article
Shenkin, S. D., Fox, C., Godfrey, M., Siddiqi, N., Goodacre, S., Young, J., …MacLullich, A. M. (2018)
Protocol for validation of the 4AT, a rapid screening tool for delirium: a multicentre prospective diagnostic test accuracy study. BMJ Open, 8(2), https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2016-015572
INTRODUCTION: Delirium is a severe neuropsychiatric syndrome of rapid onset, commonly precipitated by acute illness. It is common in older people in the emergency department (...

Media Depictions of “Unacceptable” Workplace Violence towards Nurses

Journal Article
Hoyle, L., Smith, E., Mahoney, C., & Kyle, R. (2018)
Media Depictions of “Unacceptable” Workplace Violence towards Nurses. Policy, Politics, and Nursing Practice, doi:10.1177/1527154418802488
Violence and aggression towards nurses are global concerns. Despite repeated research on causal factors and widespread “zero tolerance” campaigns, rates of violence and aggres...

Developing the community environmental health role of the nurse in partnership with local communities

Presentation / Conference
Carnegie, E. (2009, March)
Developing the community environmental health role of the nurse in partnership with local communities. Paper presented at The 2009 RCN International Nursing Research Conference, Cardiff City Hall, Cardiff
Aims: To describe two models that emerged from one qualitative study: the community environmental health model and the community engagement model. Background: To participate i...

Integrative review of literature on masculinity, health service utilization and health outcomes.

Journal Article
Idris, D. R., Forrest, S., & Brown, S. (2017)
Integrative review of literature on masculinity, health service utilization and health outcomes. Brunei Darussalem Journal of Health, 7(1), 26-42
Purpose and aim of review: To explore and analyze the academic literature on how being an Asian male of specific ethnic group intersects with other psychosocial parameters in ...