5 results

“This wall does more for mental health than the uni does”: Theorising Toilet Graffiti as a Safe House for Students

Journal Article
Victoria, M. (in press)
“This wall does more for mental health than the uni does”: Theorising Toilet Graffiti as a Safe House for Students. Innovative Higher Education, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10755-024-09712-w
Despite sometimes being considered unworthy of scholarly attention, the study of toilet graffiti, also known as latrinalia, has nevertheless garnered increasing interest among...

Student Belonging Good Practice Guide

Garden, C., Watchman Smith, N., Naughton, C., Skelton, F., Calabrese, P., Hunter, L., …Azam, F. (2024)
Student Belonging Good Practice Guide. RAISE Network (Researching, Advancing & Inspiring Student Engagement
This Good Practice Guide offers a toolkit and a conversation starter for anyone working in higher education (HE) who is thinking about embarking on a student belonging project...

Decolonizing Queer Epistemologies: Section Introduction

Book Chapter
Kulpa, R., & Silva, J. M. (2016)
Decolonizing Queer Epistemologies: Section Introduction. In G. Brown, & K. Browne (Eds.), The Routledge Research Companion to Geographies of Sex and Sexualities (139-142). London: Routledge

Engaging Parents with Sex and Relationship Education: A UK Primary School Case Study

Journal Article
Alldred, P., Fox, N., & Kulpa, R. (2016)
Engaging Parents with Sex and Relationship Education: A UK Primary School Case Study. Health Education Journal, 75(7), 855-868. https://doi.org/10.1177/0017896916634114
Objective: To assess an intervention to familiarise parents with children’s books for use in primary (5–11 years) sex and relationship education (SRE) classes. Method: Case st...

Central and Eastern European Sexualities ‘in Transition’. Reflections on Queer Studies, Academic Hegemonies, and Critical Epistemologies

Journal Article
Kulpa, R., & Mizielińska, J. (2012)
Central and Eastern European Sexualities ‘in Transition’. Reflections on Queer Studies, Academic Hegemonies, and Critical Epistemologies. lambda nordica, 17(4), 19-29