4 results

“The Crown” - Princess Diana and the Cinderella Dream

Kulpa, R. (2021)
“The Crown” - Princess Diana and the Cinderella Dream. [Magazine article]. Warsaw
A week after the premiere of the fourth season of "The Crown", the British media announced that viewership records were broken. Diana's story is the main theme in it. What is ...

Introducing 'Detective McLevy’s Casebook' and the Napier Big Read Campaign

Presentation / Conference
Gray, A. (2018, April)
Introducing 'Detective McLevy’s Casebook' and the Napier Big Read Campaign. Presented at Crime Fiction(s): Victorian and Neo-Victorian Narratives of Crime and Punishment, Edinburgh
NO abstract available.

Using pre-arrival shared reading to promote a sense of community: A case study across two institutions

Journal Article
Baverstock, A., Steinitz, J., Webster-Henderson, B., Bryars, L., Cairncross, S., Ennis, L., …McLuckie, C. (2018)
Using pre-arrival shared reading to promote a sense of community: A case study across two institutions. Logos, 29(4), https://doi.org/10.1163/18784712-02904005
Seeking to improve student enrolment, engagement, and retention, Kingston University began a pre-arrival shared reading scheme in 2014–2015, sending a free book to every stude...


Digital Artefact
Gray, A. (2017)
#NapierBigRead. [website, facebook, instagram, twitter]
Created and manage website. c.2,000 views since creation (Dec 2017) 360º social media portfolio: website, facebook, instagram, twitter www.NapierBigRead.com


