3 results

Two Communities, One Topic: Exploring the British Reddit community split based on perceived biases

Conference Proceeding
Clavie, B., & Moradpoor, N. (in press)
Two Communities, One Topic: Exploring the British Reddit community split based on perceived biases. In Proceedings of posters presented at 10th ACM Conference on Web Science
This article explores a perceived bias between two British reddit communities dedicated to discussing British politics.We analyse the popular sources favoured by each communit...

Analysis: Building the Future of EU: Moving Forward with International Collaboration on Blockchain

Journal Article
Buchanan, B., & Naqvi, N. (2018)
Analysis: Building the Future of EU: Moving Forward with International Collaboration on Blockchain. The Journal of the British Blockchain Association, 1(1), 1-4
A blockchain enabled 'Digital Single Economy " can act as a catalyst for growth and could provide a platform where borderless innovative practices will thrive and create a tru...

Social network analysis and festival relationships: personal, organisational and strategic connections

Jarman, D. (2022)
Social network analysis and festival relationships: personal, organisational and strategic connections. (Thesis). Tilburg University. Retrieved from http://researchrepository.napier.ac.uk/Output/2912990
In the world of festivals and creative communities, relationships matter. Festival managers and producers understand the overlapping links, both professional and private, amon...



