10 results

Personal networks in festival, event and creative communities: perceptions, connections and collaborations

Jarman, D. (2018)
Personal networks in festival, event and creative communities: perceptions, connections and collaborations. In A. Jepson, & ‎. Clarke (Eds.), Advances in Events: Power, construction and meaning in communities, festivals and events, 65-89. Abingdon: Taylor & Francis (Routledge
No abstract available.

Securing the Internet of Things

Romdhani, I. (2017)
Li, S. & Da Xu, L. (Eds.). Securing the Internet of Things. Elsevier. ISBN 9780128044582
Key Features Helps researchers and practitioners understand the security architecture in IoT and the state-of-the-art in IoT security countermeasures Explores how the threats...

Uzytkowanie Komputerow.

Buchanan, W. J. (2004)
Uzytkowanie Komputerow. Wkt (Poland
Przyst?pny i praktyczny poradnik dotycz?cy u?ytkowania komputerów, obejmuj?cy szeroki zakres zagadnie? zwi?zanych z przetwarzaniem informacji i transmisj? danych oraz ich komp...

Handbook of data communications and networks.

Buchanan, W. J. (2003)
Handbook of data communications and networks. Springer
The second edition of the Handbook of Data Communications and Networks covers many of the key areas in modern communication systems. It is split into several sections, includi...

The complete handbook of the Internet.

Buchanan, W. J. (2001)
The complete handbook of the Internet. KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBLISHERS BOSTON

Advanced PC interfacing, communications and Windows programming.

Buchanan, W. J. (1997)
Advanced PC interfacing, communications and Windows programming. Addison-Wesley

Wiedziec wiecej Internet

Buchanan, W. J. (1996)
Wiedziec wiecej Internet. Wkt (Poland
Ksi??ka ta m. In. Uczy jak korzysta? z internetu i sieci www.Opisuje bowiem techniczne aspekty tej ?wiatowej sieci informacyjnej. Dlatego te? mo?e by? wykorzystywana przez wsz...

Applied PC interfacing, graphics and interrupts.

Buchanan, W. J. (1995)
Applied PC interfacing, graphics and interrupts. Addison Wesley
Using good practical examples, this new book introduces the reader to the component parts of a PC, showing how high and low level languages communicate with them, and how comp...

Applied data communications and networks.

Buchanan, W. J. (1995)
Applied data communications and networks. Springer
This book covers all the key areas of data communications technology including networking and communication systems, signal analysis and transmission systems. It approaches th...

C for Electronic Engineering with Applied Software Engineering.

Buchanan, W. J. (1995)
C for Electronic Engineering with Applied Software Engineering. Prentice Hall
The objective of this text is to provide a practical introduction to the C programming language through the usage of electrical/electronic examples. All the examples in the te...