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23 results

«Аналіз впливу пандемії COVID-19 на людей з інвалідністю в Україні. Погляд організацій осіб з інвалідністю» [In Ukrainain]

Sharapov, K., Anderson, D., Burova, O., Polishchuk, O., & Nazarenko, V. (2022)
«Аналіз впливу пандемії COVID-19 на людей з інвалідністю в Україні. Погляд організацій осіб з інвалідністю» [In Ukrainain]. Edinburgh: Arts and Humanities Research Council
Дослідження, представлене у цьому звіті, ґрунтується на опитуванні неурядових організацій людей з інвалідністю в Україні. Організаційне дослідження являє собою Фазу 1 більшого...

The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on People with Disabilities in Ukraine (perspectives of organisations of people with disabilities)

Sharapov, K., Anderson, D., Burova, O., Polishchuk, O., & Nazarenko, V. (2022)
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on People with Disabilities in Ukraine (perspectives of organisations of people with disabilities). Edinburgh: Arts and Humanities Research Council
The research presented in this report is based on a survey of non-governmental organisations of people with disabilities in Ukraine (organisations of persons with disabilities...

Failure across borders: the spread of bad anti-trafficking

Presentation / Conference
Mendel, J., & Sharapov, K. (2021, August)
Failure across borders: the spread of bad anti-trafficking. Paper presented at RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021, London
Ineffective and harmful anti-trafficking is being internationalised in some striking ways, partly in response to representations of trafficking networks as borderless and omni...

The impacts of COVID-19 on Persons with Disabilities in Ukraine (with a particular focus on internally displaced Persons with Disabilities)

Presentation / Conference
Sharapov, K. (2021, August)
The impacts of COVID-19 on Persons with Disabilities in Ukraine (with a particular focus on internally displaced Persons with Disabilities). Paper presented at 15th European Sociological Association Conference: Sociological Knowledges for Alternative Futures, Barcelona

Adolescent sexual behaviour in a refugee setting in Uganda

Journal Article
Bukuluki, P., Kisaakye, P., Mwenyango, H., & Palattiyil, G. (2021)
Adolescent sexual behaviour in a refugee setting in Uganda. Reproductive Health, 18(1), Article 131.
Background Children under 18 years old constituted more than half (52%) of the refugee population in 2017. Adolescent Sexual and reproductive health is an essential component ...

The Potential of Friendship: A Case for Social Resilience

Presentation / Conference
Kulpa, R., & Ludwin, K. (2021, April)
The Potential of Friendship: A Case for Social Resilience. Paper presented at 70th Annual Conference of the British Sociological Association, London, UK
The consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic mark a crisis of neoliberal ideologies of entrepreneurial individualism underpinning global precarity globally, nationally, and at th...

Jumping Through Hoops: Families' Experiences of Pre-birth Child Protection

Book Chapter
Critchley, A. (2019)
Jumping Through Hoops: Families' Experiences of Pre-birth Child Protection. In Families in Motion: Ebbing and Flowing through Space and Time, (135-154). Bingley: Emerald.
This chapter considers the mobilities of families subject to child protection involvement at the threshold of the birth of a new baby. The author presents data arising from an...

Public Understanding of Trafficking in Human Beings in Great Britain, Hungary and Ukraine

Journal Article
Sharapov, K. (2019)
Public Understanding of Trafficking in Human Beings in Great Britain, Hungary and Ukraine. Anti-trafficking review, 13, 30-49.
This article provides a summary of research undertaken to investigate public awareness and understanding of human trafficking in Great Britain, Ukraine, and Hungary. Respondin...

Trafficking in Human Beings and the Informal Economy

Book Chapter
Sharapov, K. (2018)
Trafficking in Human Beings and the Informal Economy. In R. Piotrowicz, C. Rijken, & B. Heide Uhl (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Human Trafficking. London, UK: Routledge
No abstract available.

Turning citizens into immigrants: state practices of welfare ‘cancellations’ and document retention among EU nationals living in Glasgow

Journal Article
Guma, T. (2018)
Turning citizens into immigrants: state practices of welfare ‘cancellations’ and document retention among EU nationals living in Glasgow. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 46(13), 2647-2663.
This article examines the everyday experiences of welfare provision among EU migrants living in Glasgow, demonstrating how the process of restricting the rights of EU citizens...