6 results

Emotional and aesthetic attachment to digital artefacts

Journal Article
Turner, P., & Turner, S. (2012)
Emotional and aesthetic attachment to digital artefacts. Cognition, Technology and Work, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10111-012-0231-x
We report a pair of repertory grid studies that explore the attachment people have for digital and nondigital artefacts. In the first study we found no clear distinctions betw...

Is stereotyping inevitable when designing with personas?

Journal Article
Turner, P., & Turner, S. (2011)
Is stereotyping inevitable when designing with personas?. Design Studies, 32, 30-44. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.destud.2010.06.002
User representations are central to user-centred design, personas being one of the more recent developments. However, such descriptions of people risk stereotyping. We review ...

Triangulation in practice.

Journal Article
Turner, P., & Turner, S. (2009)
Triangulation in practice. Virtual Reality, 13, 171-181. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10055-009-0117-2
Triangulation is the means by which an alternate perspective is used to validate, challenge or extend existing findings. It is frequently used when the field of study is diffi...

Being-with: a study of familiarity

Journal Article
Turner, P. (2008)
Being-with: a study of familiarity. Interacting with Computers, 20, 447-454. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.intcom.2008.04.002
How people learn to use an interactive device has always been an important field of research in human-computer interaction (HCI). The theoretical bases of which have ranged fr...

Place, Sense of Place, and Presence

Journal Article
Turner, P., & Turner, S. (2006)
Place, Sense of Place, and Presence. Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 15(2), 204-217. https://doi.org/10.1162/pres.2006.15.2.204
Recreating real places--as distinct from virtual spaces or environments--using virtual reality technology raises a series of significant challenges. Fortunately there is a lar...

Affordance as context

Journal Article
Turner, P. (2005)
Affordance as context. Interacting with Computers, 17(6), 787-800. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.intcom.2005.04.003
The concept of affordance is relatively easy to define, but has proved to be remarkably difficult to engineer. This paradox has sparked numerous debates as to its true nature....