9 results

Empowerment and embodiment for collaborative mixed reality systems: Empowerment and Embodiment

Journal Article
Pan, Y., Sinclair, D., & Mitchell, K. (2018)
Empowerment and embodiment for collaborative mixed reality systems: Empowerment and Embodiment. Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, 29(3-4), https://doi.org/10.1002/cav.1838
We present several mixed‐reality‐based remote collaboration settings by using consumer head‐mounted displays. We investigated how two people are able to work together in these...

Robot companions for citizens: roadmapping the potential for future robots In empowering older people.

Conference Proceeding
Prescott, T. J., Epton, T., Evers, V., McKee, K., Hawley, M., Webb, T., …Dario, P. (2011)
Robot companions for citizens: roadmapping the potential for future robots In empowering older people. In Bridging Research in Ageing and ICT Development
The Future Emerging Technologies (FET) Flagship Candi- date "Robot Companions for Citizens" (RCC) proposes a transformative initiative, addressing a cross-domain grand scienti...

Life at the local scale: an alternative perspective on the urban.

Conference Proceeding
Smyth, M., & Helgason, I. (2015)
Life at the local scale: an alternative perspective on the urban. In Hybrid Cities - data to the peoplehttps://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.1.3740.2083
The study of cities has risen to the top of research agendas in the last decade, raising the question of how to study something as vast and eclectic as cities. This paper prop...

Relative energy consumption of low-cost 3D printers

Conference Proceeding
Walls, S., Corney, J., & Vasantha, G. (2014)
Relative energy consumption of low-cost 3D printers. In F. Rehman, N. Woodfine, & R. Marasini (Eds.), Advance in Manufacturing Technology XXVIII: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Manufacturing Research
The potential of low cost, 3D printing to support distributed manufacture in remote, rural communities has been noted by several observers. However the economic practicality o...

Making places: visualization, interaction and experience in urban space

Journal Article
Smyth, M., Trigueiros, P., Helgason, I., Coelho, A., Gallacher, S., Burrows, A., …Penha, R. (2015)
Making places: visualization, interaction and experience in urban space. Interaction Design and Architecture(s) IxDetA, 25, 813-816
Preface to the focus section: Making places: visualization, interaction and experience in urban space Cities are exciting and people continue to be drawn to urban areas beca...

The role of appropriation in the design of engaging artefacts

Presentation / Conference
Flint, T., & Turner, P. (2011, May)
The role of appropriation in the design of engaging artefacts. Paper presented at Re-Thinking Technology in Museums 2011
Creating engaging artefacts is a key objective for anyone involved in the design and implementation of interactive media. This is particularly true for those artefacts that co...

Is stereotyping inevitable when designing with personas?

Journal Article
Turner, P., & Turner, S. (2011)
Is stereotyping inevitable when designing with personas?. Design Studies, 32, 30-44. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.destud.2010.06.002
User representations are central to user-centred design, personas being one of the more recent developments. However, such descriptions of people risk stereotyping. We review ...

Wattom: Ambient Eco-feedback with Mid-air Input

Conference Proceeding
Esteves, A., Quintal, F., Caires, F., Baptista, V., & Mendes, P. (2019)
Wattom: Ambient Eco-feedback with Mid-air Input. In 2019 5th Experiment International Conference (exp.at'19)https://doi.org/10.1109/EXPAT.2019.8876565
This paper presents Wattom, a highly interactive ambient eco-feedback smart plug that aims to promote a more sustainable use of electricity in the home. This paper describes o...

Wattom: a Consumption and Grid Aware Smart Plug with Mid-air Controls

Conference Proceeding
Quintal, F., Esteves, A., Caires, F., Baptiste, V., & Mendes, P. (2019)
Wattom: a Consumption and Grid Aware Smart Plug with Mid-air Controls. In TEI '19 Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction, (307-313). https://doi.org/10.1145/3294109.3295642
This paper presents Wattom, a highly interactive ambient eco-feedback smart plug that aims to support a more sustainable use of electricity by being tightly coupled to users' ...