22 results

Self-Learning Power Control in Wireless Sensor Networks

Journal Article
Chincoli, M., & Liotta, A. (2018)
Self-Learning Power Control in Wireless Sensor Networks. Sensors, 18(2), 1-29. https://doi.org/10.3390/s18020375
Current trends in interconnecting myriad smart objects to monetize on Internet of Things applications have led to high-density communications in wireless sensor networks. This...

Decentralized dynamic understanding of hidden relations in complex networks

Journal Article
Mocanu, D. C., Exarchakos, G., & Liotta, A. (2018)
Decentralized dynamic understanding of hidden relations in complex networks. Scientific Reports, 8(1), https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-018-19356-4
Almost all the natural or human made systems can be understood and controlled using complex networks. This is a difficult problem due to the very large number of elements in s...

Resilience of Video Streaming Services to Network Impairments

Journal Article
Torres Vega, M., Perra, C., & Liotta, A. (2018)
Resilience of Video Streaming Services to Network Impairments. IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, 64(2), 220-234. https://doi.org/10.1109/tbc.2017.2781125
When dealing with networks, performance management through conventional quality of service (QoS)-based methods becomes difficult and is often ineffective. In fact, quality eme...

Fast Millimeter Wave Assisted Beam-Steering for Passive Indoor Optical Wireless Networks

Journal Article
Torres Vega, M., Koonen, A. M. J., Liotta, A., & Famaey, J. (2018)
Fast Millimeter Wave Assisted Beam-Steering for Passive Indoor Optical Wireless Networks. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 7(2), 278-281. https://doi.org/10.1109/lwc.2017.2771771
In light of the extreme radio congestion, the time has come to consider the upper parts of the electromagnetic spectrum. Optical beam-steered wireless communications offer gre...

Estimating 3D trajectories from 2D projections via disjunctive factored four-way conditional restricted Boltzmann machines

Journal Article
Mocanu, D. C., Bou Ammar, H., Puig, L., Eaton, E., & Liotta, A. (2017)
Estimating 3D trajectories from 2D projections via disjunctive factored four-way conditional restricted Boltzmann machines. Pattern Recognition, 69, 325-335. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.patcog.2017.04.017
Estimation, recognition, and near-future prediction of 3D trajectories based on their two dimensional projections available from one camera source is an exceptionally difficul...

A topological insight into restricted Boltzmann machines

Journal Article
Mocanu, D. C., Mocanu, E., Nguyen, P. H., Gibescu, M., & Liotta, A. (2016)
A topological insight into restricted Boltzmann machines. Machine Learning, 104(2-3), 243-270. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10994-016-5570-z
Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBMs) and models derived from them have been successfully used as basic building blocks in deep artificial neural networks for automatic feature...

Spatial anomaly detection in sensor networks using neighborhood information

Journal Article
Bosman, H. H., Iacca, G., Tejada, A., Wörtche, H. J., & Liotta, A. (2017)
Spatial anomaly detection in sensor networks using neighborhood information. Information Fusion, 33, 41-56. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.inffus.2016.04.007
The field of wireless sensor networks (WSNs), embedded systems with sensing and networking capability, has now matured after a decade-long research effort and technological ad...

Not what you know, nor who you know, but who you know already: Examining Online Information Sharing Behaviours in a Blogging Environment through the Lens of Social Exchange Theory

Journal Article
Hall, H., Widen, G., & Paterson, L. (2010)
Not what you know, nor who you know, but who you know already: Examining Online Information Sharing Behaviours in a Blogging Environment through the Lens of Social Exchange Theory. Libri, 60(2), 117-128. https://doi.org/10.1515/libr.2010.011
This paper focuses on the extent to which online information sharing practice is socially motivated. A key interest is how knowledge of the existing social connections between...

When social means business: the potential of social computing tools to support collaborative work as part of the organisational information infrastructure.

Presentation / Conference
Hall, H. (2009, June)
When social means business: the potential of social computing tools to support collaborative work as part of the organisational information infrastructure. Presented at Innovation in e-information, Manchester, UK
Based on the results of a study conducted jointly by Edinburgh Napier University and TFPL, this paper will discuss the main risks and opportunities of the adoption of social c...

Opportunity and risks offered by social computing tools as perceived by information and knowledge managers

Presentation / Conference
Hall, H. (2009, April)
Opportunity and risks offered by social computing tools as perceived by information and knowledge managers. Paper presented at SLA Eastern Canada Members' Day, McGill University, Montreal, Canada
No abstract available.