5 results

Lithuanian genocide heritage as discursive formation

Journal Article
Wight, A. C. (2016)
Lithuanian genocide heritage as discursive formation. Annals of Tourism Research, 59, 60-78. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.annals.2016.04.002
This paper presents a synthesis of Foucault’s Archaeology of Knowledge and the concept of discursive formation to critique museums and sites of memory as spaces in which compe...

‘Living Rights’, rights claims, performative citizenship and young people – the right to vote in the Scottish independence referendum

Journal Article
Sanghera, G., Botterill, K., Hopkins, P., & Arshad, R. (2018)
‘Living Rights’, rights claims, performative citizenship and young people – the right to vote in the Scottish independence referendum. Citizenship Studies, 22(5), 540-555. https://doi.org/10.1080/13621025.2018.1484076
This paper examines the rights claims-making that young people engaged in during the 2014 Scottish independence referendum when the right to vote was extended to 16- and 17-ye...

Queer Politics of post-Enlightenment: Beyond the Horizon of the Present

Journal Article
Kulpa, R. (2021)
Queer Politics of post-Enlightenment: Beyond the Horizon of the Present. Hungarian Studies Review, 48(2), 199-208. https://doi.org/10.5325/hungarianstud.48.2.0199
This essay reflects on queer politics in Central and Eastern European (CEE) through the examples of Poland and Hungary using the Derridean concept of “supplement” to expose th...

Science communication & sensitive issues: putting risk in context

Presentation / Conference
Kerr, G. (2017, November)
Science communication & sensitive issues: putting risk in context. Presented at NATO BRITE Advanced Research Workshop, Yerevan, Armenia
One of the global challenges the world faces is the possibility of a chemical or nuclear attack by terrorists or a rogue state, or of an accidental nuclear disaster. With a br...

Giving a voice to students & early career researchers in international science policy and diplomacy in the post-truth era

Kerr, G., & Mauduit, J. (2019)
Giving a voice to students & early career researchers in international science policy and diplomacy in the post-truth era. https://blog.ucsusa.org/science-blogger/giving-a-voice-to-students-and-researchers-in-international-science-policy-and-diplomacy