26 results

From Film Bang to Filming Boom: Fifty Years of Career Development Strategies in the Scottish Screen Production Sector

Presentation / Conference
Correia, N. (2024, April)
From Film Bang to Filming Boom: Fifty Years of Career Development Strategies in the Scottish Screen Production Sector. Paper presented at 12th BAFTSS Conference (British Association of Film, Television and Screen Studies) 2024, University of Sussex, Brighton
This paper demonstrates how the Scottish film and television production sector has evolved during the last half-century and discusses the strategies of Scottish-based freelanc...

Songs for the Falling Angel - a case study examining one example of 'Digging' in a closed archive to uncover an interdisciplinary research topic

Presentation / Conference
Scott, A. (2023, December)
Songs for the Falling Angel - a case study examining one example of 'Digging' in a closed archive to uncover an interdisciplinary research topic. Paper presented at Media Studies Seminar 2023: Rethinking Broadcast Archives: Dig, Deconstruct, Display, London, UK
Paper and creative practice film presented to this International Symposium of the Media Studie Commission of FIAT/IFTA (International Federation of Television Archives). The p...

Songs for the Falling Angel - a case study examining one example of 'digging' in a closed archive to uncover an interdisciplinary research topic

Presentation / Conference
Scott, A. (2023, December)
Songs for the Falling Angel - a case study examining one example of 'digging' in a closed archive to uncover an interdisciplinary research topic. Paper presented at Media Studies Seminar: Rethinking Broadcast Archives - Dig, Deconstruct, Display, British Film Institute, London
Paper and creative practice film presented at the FIAT/IFTA (International Federation of Television Archives) Symposium

Filling archival gaps through academic-industry collaborations

Presentation / Conference
Correia, N. (2023, November)
Filling archival gaps through academic-industry collaborations. Poster presented at AMIA 2023: the Annual Conference of the Association of Moving Image Archivists, Tulsa, USA
This poster outlines key points of the Film Bang research project on the history of the Scottish film and television sector. The project is an ongoing academic-industry collab...

Filmmaking practice-as-research: a case study in pursuit of subtext through AI generated dialogue

Presentation / Conference
Gray, P. (2023, September)
Filmmaking practice-as-research: a case study in pursuit of subtext through AI generated dialogue. Paper presented at MeCCSA 2023, Glasgow
Practice led research in filmmaking and screenwriting that explores the potential for creating meaningful dialogue with subtext, through the use of AI chat bots. The presenta...

Channel 4 - then and now - the view from Scotland: the evolution of the Channel’s relationship with the Scottish production sector

Presentation / Conference
Scott, A., & Correia, N. (2022, September)
Channel 4 - then and now - the view from Scotland: the evolution of the Channel’s relationship with the Scottish production sector. Paper presented at Channel 4: Then and Now, BFI Southbank, London
This paper examines the historic relationship between Channel 4 and the Scottish independent production sector over four decades and investigate how the opportunities and supp...

Production of Bureaucracy/Bureaucracies of Production: Understanding formal organisation on and off screen

Presentation / Conference
Maclean, G. (2022, June)
Production of Bureaucracy/Bureaucracies of Production: Understanding formal organisation on and off screen. Paper presented at Critical Studies in Television Slow Conference, Edge Hill University [online]
The post-2016 conjuncture can be viewed in terms of an anti-bureaucratic romanticism in parts of the Global North (Lopdrup-Hjorth and Du Gay, 2020). The votes for Brexit in th...

Step on Me Charlotte Rampling or on Arrakis No One Can Hear You Orgasm

Presentation / Conference
Artt, S. (2022, June)
Step on Me Charlotte Rampling or on Arrakis No One Can Hear You Orgasm. Paper presented at Association of Adaptation Studies annual conference, University of Lisbon, Portugal
In Dune (Denis Villeneuve, 2021), the much-anticipated adaptation of the Frank Herbert series, Charlotte Rampling briefly appears as Mother Helen Mohiam, high priestess of the...

Bleeding Free – advocacy and activism in the production of a student led documentary on period poverty and menstrual health education

Presentation / Conference
MacLeod, K. (2021, October)
Bleeding Free – advocacy and activism in the production of a student led documentary on period poverty and menstrual health education. Paper presented at Menstruation in the Media (in collaboration with Menstruation Research Network), Sheffield Halam University
This paper will discuss the a university produced social impact documentary, Bleeding Free, produced by an advocacy and impact collective, Bleedin Saor . The collective (meani...

The Pacific Community Filmmaking Consortium – Doing Impact and Engagement during a global pandemic

Presentation / Conference
MacLeod, K. (2021, July)
The Pacific Community Filmmaking Consortium – Doing Impact and Engagement during a global pandemic. Paper presented at 2021 MPE/MeCCSA Practice Network Symposium, Solent University, Southampton
The presentation will discuss initial reflections on a UKRI funded impact and engagement project in the Pacific, aimed at addressing community based and participatory media pr...