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85 results

Sustainable HRM and Environmental Sustainability

Book Chapter
Bratton, A. (2022)
Sustainable HRM and Environmental Sustainability. In J. Bratton, J. Gold, A. Bratton, & L. Steele (Eds.), Human Resource Management: A Critical Approach. London: Bloomsbury Publishing

Integrated soil and water management on smallholder family-farms in building resilience to hydrometeorological hazards in Trinidad

Conference Proceeding
Roop, R., St. Martin, C. C., & Weaver, M. (2021)
Integrated soil and water management on smallholder family-farms in building resilience to hydrometeorological hazards in Trinidad. In Caribbean Science Symposium on Water: Building Resilience in the Regional Water Sector to Address Climatological and Hydrological Risks and Threats
Hydrometeorological hazards (droughts, floods, and heatwaves) threaten the life and livelihoods of the most vulnerable people worldwide, including the 500 million smallholder ...

Catalyzing Innovative Approaches in Smallholder Farming to Implement the Sustainable Development Goals for Food and Nutrition Security: Americas and Caribbean Region

Book Chapter
Roop, R., Weaver, M., Fonseca, A. P., Matouq, M., & Stewart, V. (in press)
Catalyzing Innovative Approaches in Smallholder Farming to Implement the Sustainable Development Goals for Food and Nutrition Security: Americas and Caribbean Region. In W. L. Filho (Ed.), SDGs in the Americas and Caribbean Region. Cham: Springer
Abstract not available.

The Integrity of Islamic Finance

Book Chapter
Minhat, M., Dzolkarnaini, N., & Abdullah, M. (2021)
The Integrity of Islamic Finance. In M. Minhat, & N. Dzolkarnaini (Eds.), Ethical Discourse in Finance - Interdisciplinary and Diverse Perspectives (103-123). Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.
This chapter provides a critical account of popularly used Islamic financial instruments and discusses the gap between theory and practice in Islamic financial industry. The c...

Regulating Islamic Finance in the UK: Issues and Possible Solutions

Book Chapter
Minhat, M., & Dzolkarnaini, N. (2021)
Regulating Islamic Finance in the UK: Issues and Possible Solutions. In M. Minhat, & N. Dzolkarnaini (Eds.), Ethical Discourse in Finance - Interdisciplinary and Diverse Perspectives (171-200). Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.
This chapter reveals critical issues and risks in relation to the regulatory strategies for Islamic financial market in the UK. It is argued that improper regulation would exp...

Ethical Discourse in Finance: Interdisciplinary and Diverse Perspectives

Minhat, M., & Dzolkarnaini, N. (Eds.)
(2021). Ethical Discourse in Finance: Interdisciplinary and Diverse Perspectives. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.
Ethical discourse is commonly not a priority in a conventional finance syllabus. Moral sentiments often take a back seat to market sentiments, even in shaping the direction of...

Value(s): Taking a Systems/COR Critical Perspective

Presentation / Conference
Weaver, M., & Tan, H. (2021, September)
Value(s): Taking a Systems/COR Critical Perspective. Paper presented at OR63: Operational Research Society 63rd Annual Conference, Online
Mark Carney - the former Governor of the Bank of England calls for a new kind of economics and attacks the prevalent neo-liberal paradigm, in his 2021 book, Value(s) Building ...

Value(s): Taking a Systems/COR Critical Perspective

Presentation / Conference
Weaver, M., & Tan, H. (2021, September)
Value(s): Taking a Systems/COR Critical Perspective. Paper presented at OR63 Online: Creating a better future, Online
Mark Carney - the former Governor of the Bank of England calls for a new kind of economics and attacks the prevalent neo-liberal paradigm, in his 2021 book, Value(s) Building ...

Strategic Talent Management In The Hospitality Industry

Book Chapter
Garavan, T., Matthews-Smith, G., Marie Gill, A., & O’Brien, F. (2021)
Strategic Talent Management In The Hospitality Industry. In S. Jooss, R. Burbach, & H. Ruël (Eds.), Talent Management Innovations in the International Hospitality Industry (9-29). Emerald.
Purpose: Talent management and in particular strategic talent management (STM) has emerged as an important issue for hospitality organisations worldwide. In this chapter, we a...

Sustainable space for a sustainable Earth? Circular economy insights from the space sector

Journal Article
Paladini, S., Saha, K., & Pierron, X. (2021)
Sustainable space for a sustainable Earth? Circular economy insights from the space sector. Journal of Environmental Management, 289,
The drive toward an efficient use of finite resources and the emphasis on sustainability that characterises CE (Circular Economy) models is also shared by many space projects,...
5 results
7 results

Dr Kulpa organises a gender & sexuality-focused event to celebrate inclusive queer-feminist politics across the month of March 2024.

6 March 2024
Dr Kulpa organises an inclusive queer-feminist event celebrating our diverse lives and work across Edinburgh Napier University.

Academics moot making GLC execs’ pay public by law

31 October 2018
The assistant director of the International Centre for Management & Governance Research (ICMGR), Dr Marizah Minhat, and Associate Professor Nazam Dzolkarnaini are undertaking a research collaboration ...

Lord Sheikh Represents APPGIF at Edinburgh Forum

25 September 2018
Lord Sheikh, a co-chair of the UK's All-Party Parliamentary Group on Islamic Finance (APPGIF), visited Edinburgh on Saturday 8 September 2018 to participate in the ‘Ethical Finance & Community Develop...

Financing the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative

23 August 2017
A research project was launched to explore financing issues in relation to BRI. In collaboration with international researchers, this research is led by Dr Marizah Minhat, the Assistant Director of th...

Islamic Finance/Investment: Rent-Seeking, Risk-Sharing and One Belt One Road

19 July 2017
Dr Marizah Minhat and Dr Nazam Dzolkarnaini were invited by the Treasury Markets Association (TMA) to deliver a talk to TMA members and market participants on “Islamic Finance/Investment: Rent-Seeking...

Perspectives on ethical finance and investment

18 May 2017
IMS member, Dr Marizah Minhat, Assistant Director of ICMGR, recently led an event on ethical finance and investment; here she reflects on its findings.

New Edinburgh centre will develop Business School research projects

23 November 2016
The International Centre for Management and Governance Research (ICMGR) aims to bring together academic and professional knowledge on international management and governance. The Centre’s Director, P...
