33 results

Stock Options and Credit Default Swaps in Risk Management

Journal Article
Al-Own, B., Minhat, M., & Gao, S. (2018)
Stock Options and Credit Default Swaps in Risk Management. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 53, 200-214. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.intfin.2017.09.021
The use of stock options and credit default swaps (CDS) in banks is not uncommon. Stock options can induce risk-taking incentives, while CDS can be used to hedge against credi...

Islamic Finance

Book Chapter
Minhat, M., & Dzolkarnaini, N. (2016)
Islamic Finance. In M. C. Ehrhardt, E. Brigham, & R. Fox (Eds.), Financial Management: Theory and PracticeCengage
No abstract available.

Which firms use Islamic financing?

Journal Article
Minhat, M., & Dzolkarnaini, N. (2017)
Which firms use Islamic financing?. Economics Letters, 150, 15-17. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.econlet.2016.10.036
This study explores to what extent the Islamic financing instruments are used by non-financial firms and whether profitability influences such financing choice. Based on a pan...

Islamic corporate financing: does it promote profit and loss sharing?

Journal Article
Minhat, M., & Dzolkarnaini, N. (2016)
Islamic corporate financing: does it promote profit and loss sharing?. Business Ethics: A European Review, 25(4), 482-497. https://doi.org/10.1111/beer.12120
Islamic financing instruments can be categorised into profit and loss/risk sharing and non-participatory instruments. Although profit and loss sharing instruments such as mush...

Bankers’ stock options, risk-taking and the financial crisis

Journal Article
Minhat, M., & Abdullah, M. (2016)
Bankers’ stock options, risk-taking and the financial crisis. Journal of Financial Stability, 22, 121-128. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfs.2016.01.008
This study investigates the relationship between the use of stock options and bank risk in the context of the 2007-2008 financial crisis for banks that are authorised to accep...

Is executive compensation a substitute governance mechanism to debt financing and leasing?

Journal Article
Minhat, M., & Dzolkarnaini, N. (2016)
Is executive compensation a substitute governance mechanism to debt financing and leasing?. Applied Economics, 48(14), 1293-1302. https://doi.org/10.1080/00036846.2015.1100247
This study examines whether and how CEO equity incentives relate to financing choices (i.e., debt and leases). Using manually collected CEO compensation and lease data for a s...

Creating big interest in non-interest Islamic finance

Journal Article
Minhat, M., & Dzolkarnaini, N. (2015)
Creating big interest in non-interest Islamic finance. Islamic Finance Review, 5(2), 40-43
At the first glance, the interest in Islamic finance seems growing at an impressive scale. The statistics reported in the media and academic literature are encouraging. Howeve...

Compensation consultants and CEO pay

Journal Article
Kabir, R., & Minhat, M. (2014)
Compensation consultants and CEO pay. Research in International Business and Finance, 32, 172-189. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ribaf.2014.05.003
The study examines the practice of employing multiple compensation consultants. Examining data of a sample of UK companies over the period 2003–2006 we find that CEOs receive ...

Executive compensation in government-linked companies: evidence from Malaysia

Journal Article
Minhat, M., & Abdullah, M. (2014)
Executive compensation in government-linked companies: evidence from Malaysia. Applied Economics, 46(16), 1861-1872. https://doi.org/10.1080/00036846.2014.887192
The aim of this study was to explore the characteristics of executive pay, equity ownership incentives and pay–performance relationship in government-controlled firms. Data we...

Some observations on mandatory disclosure practices of Malaysian public Listed companies

Journal Article
Abdullah, M., Sulaiman, N. A., Sapiei, N. S., & Minhat, M. (2013)
Some observations on mandatory disclosure practices of Malaysian public Listed companies. Middle East journal of scientific research, 17, 1228-1236. https://doi.org/10.5829/idosi.mejsr.2013.17.09.12278
This study investigates the mandatory disclosure practices evident in the annual reports of Malaysian public listed companies. Our findings show that none of the examined comp...
6 results

Academics moot making GLC execs’ pay public by law

31 October 2018
The assistant director of the International Centre for Management & Governance Research (ICMGR), Dr Marizah Minhat, and Associate Professor Nazam Dzolkarnaini are undertaking a research collaboration ...

Lord Sheikh Represents APPGIF at Edinburgh Forum

26 September 2018
Lord Sheikh, a co-chair of the UK's All-Party Parliamentary Group on Islamic Finance (APPGIF), visited Edinburgh on Saturday 8 September 2018 to participate in the ‘Ethical Finance & Community Develop...

Financing the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative

24 August 2017
A research project was launched to explore financing issues in relation to BRI. In collaboration with international researchers, this research is led by Dr Marizah Minhat, the Assistant Director of th...

Islamic Finance/Investment: Rent-Seeking, Risk-Sharing and One Belt One Road

20 July 2017
Dr Marizah Minhat and Dr Nazam Dzolkarnaini were invited by the Treasury Markets Association (TMA) to deliver a talk to TMA members and market participants on “Islamic Finance/Investment: Rent-Seeking...

Perspectives on ethical finance and investment

19 May 2017
IMS member, Dr Marizah Minhat, Assistant Director of ICMGR, recently led an event on ethical finance and investment; here she reflects on its findings.

New Edinburgh centre will develop Business School research projects

23 November 2016
The International Centre for Management and Governance Research (ICMGR) aims to bring together academic and professional knowledge on international management and governance. The Centre’s Director, P...