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41 results

Islamic finance: is it about how fast to get there?

Journal Article
Minhat, M., & Dzolkarnaini, N. (2015)
Islamic finance: is it about how fast to get there?. Islamic Finance Review, 5(4), 64-67
In this article, we call for the sincerity and honesty of Islamic finance academics in disseminating knowledge about the real state of the Islamic finance industry. Uncomforta...

Creating big interest in non-interest Islamic finance

Journal Article
Minhat, M., & Dzolkarnaini, N. (2015)
Creating big interest in non-interest Islamic finance. Islamic Finance Review, 5(2), 40-43
At the first glance, the interest in Islamic finance seems growing at an impressive scale. The statistics reported in the media and academic literature are encouraging. Howeve...

‘Ethics, discourse, experience’.

Presentation / Conference
Neill, C. (2015, May)
‘Ethics, discourse, experience’. Presented at Association for Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy in Ireland, Dublin

Through a glass darkly: the fantasmatic figure of the immigrant.

Presentation / Conference
Neill, C. (2015, March)
Through a glass darkly: the fantasmatic figure of the immigrant. Paper presented at Psychoanalysis and Politics Spring Symposium, Migration, Exile and Polyphonic Spaces, Spanish Psychoanalytic Society, Barcelona

I film therefore I am: Mediating Island Identity through community based filmmaking

Presentation / Conference
Macleod, K. (2014, January)
I film therefore I am: Mediating Island Identity through community based filmmaking. Paper presented at Community Filmmaking Conference, British Film Institute, 2014
This paper will discuss Community Media as a networked knowledge practice through which participants mediate identity. It draws on examples from a community video project dir...

‘O Cursed Spite: On Ethics and Time’

Presentation / Conference
Neill, C. (2014, January)
‘O Cursed Spite: On Ethics and Time’. Paper presented at Symposium Depsychologizing / Deneurologizing Modern Subjectivity, Ghent

El Autor Y El Acto

Neill, C. (2013)
El Autor Y El Acto. In Lacan, discurso, acontecimiento: nuevos análisis de la indeterminación textual, 317-327. ISBN 978-607-402-597-2

“I did not want to make this film, this film wanted to make me": techniques of production in the representation of place - examples from the Isle of Bute Video Project

Presentation / Conference
Macleod, K. (2013, January)
“I did not want to make this film, this film wanted to make me": techniques of production in the representation of place - examples from the Isle of Bute Video Project. Paper presented at MeCCSAAnnual Conference,Ulster University(2013
What are the techniques of production that are used in local, small-scale media? How does the production process mediate identity and place, and how are these techniques refle...

‘On imaginary identification and the possibility of meaning’

Presentation / Conference
Neill, C. (2012, December)
‘On imaginary identification and the possibility of meaning’. Presented at Psychosocial Studies Seminar, Birkbeck College, London

“You play your part: an ethnographically informed, practice led approach to documentary knowledge.’

Presentation / Conference
Macleod, K. (2012, November)
“You play your part: an ethnographically informed, practice led approach to documentary knowledge.’. Paper presented at Media Discourse Group, MeCCSA PG Network, 2012, De Montfort University,, De Montfort University, Leicester, UK
Media Discourse Group, MeCCSA PG Network, 2012, De Montfort University, “You Play Your Part: an ethnographically informed, practice led approach to documentary knowledge.’ ‘Y...
7 results

Dr Kulpa organises a gender & sexuality-focused event to celebrate inclusive queer-feminist politics across the month of March 2024.

6 March 2024
Dr Kulpa organises an inclusive queer-feminist event celebrating our diverse lives and work across Edinburgh Napier University.

Academics moot making GLC execs’ pay public by law

31 October 2018
The assistant director of the International Centre for Management & Governance Research (ICMGR), Dr Marizah Minhat, and Associate Professor Nazam Dzolkarnaini are undertaking a research collaboration ...

Lord Sheikh Represents APPGIF at Edinburgh Forum

25 September 2018
Lord Sheikh, a co-chair of the UK's All-Party Parliamentary Group on Islamic Finance (APPGIF), visited Edinburgh on Saturday 8 September 2018 to participate in the ‘Ethical Finance & Community Develop...

ENU Associate Professor co-hosts conference to launch new, ground-breaking book

4 September 2018
Dr Calum Neill will co-host an international conference at Ghent University on the 21st and 22nd of September to launch his new co-edited book, Reading Lacan's Ecrits: From 'Signification of the Phall...

Financing the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative

23 August 2017
A research project was launched to explore financing issues in relation to BRI. In collaboration with international researchers, this research is led by Dr Marizah Minhat, the Assistant Director of th...

Islamic Finance/Investment: Rent-Seeking, Risk-Sharing and One Belt One Road

19 July 2017
Dr Marizah Minhat and Dr Nazam Dzolkarnaini were invited by the Treasury Markets Association (TMA) to deliver a talk to TMA members and market participants on “Islamic Finance/Investment: Rent-Seeking...

New Edinburgh centre will develop Business School research projects

23 November 2016
The International Centre for Management and Governance Research (ICMGR) aims to bring together academic and professional knowledge on international management and governance. The Centre’s Director, P...
