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89 results

Review of 'Promising Practices in 21st Century Music Teacher Education'

Journal Article
Moir, Z. (2018)
Review of 'Promising Practices in 21st Century Music Teacher Education'. Journal of Music, Technology and Education, 11(2), 213-218.
No abstract available.

Playful learning

Journal Article
Langan, A. M., & Smart, F. (2018)
Playful learning. Research in Learning Technology, 26,
Item is Editorial Preface to themed collection published in the journal Research in Learning Technology. These articles collate ideas and practices developed from workshops ...

Constructing English-medium instruction indicators in the shipping courses of Taiwan’s higher education

Journal Article
Tseng, P., Richards, K., & Pilcher, N. (2018)
Constructing English-medium instruction indicators in the shipping courses of Taiwan’s higher education. Maritime Business Review,
English is a common language in the global shipping industry and many universities in non-English speaking countries in the world are now moving towards the use of English as ...

Adopting WebPA: Implications for Assessment Strategy and Course Management

Journal Article
Feri, A., Hesketh, I., & Tjandra, N. (2017)
Adopting WebPA: Implications for Assessment Strategy and Course Management. Teaching fellows journal,
No abstract available. Journal can be found here-

Towards graduate employment: exploring student identity through a university-wide employability project

Journal Article
Smith, S., Smith, C., Taylor-Smith, E., & Fotheringham, J. (2019)
Towards graduate employment: exploring student identity through a university-wide employability project. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 43(5), 628-640.
Students have expectations of their university education leading to graduate careers, with universities investing considerable resources in institution-wide initiatives design...

Seeking, hearing and acting: Staff perspectives of changes in assessment practice through TESTA

Journal Article
Adamson, E., Webster-Henderson, B., & Carver, M. (2017)
Seeking, hearing and acting: Staff perspectives of changes in assessment practice through TESTA. SEDA Educational Developments, 18(4), 12-15
Assessment and feedback continues to be a key focus of attention within higher education. The TESTA (Transforming the Experience of Students through Assessment) methodology ha...

Promoting student well-being: Are you better than you think?

Journal Article
Robertson, P. (2017)
Promoting student well-being: Are you better than you think?. Phoenix (AGCAS journal), 20-21
Dr Pete Robertson, Associate Professor & Programme Leader for Career Guidance in the School of Applied Sciences at Edinburgh Napier University, outlines proactive approaches t...

Reflecting on the value of resources for internationalising the curriculum: exploring academic perspectives

Journal Article
McKinnon, S., Hammond, A., & Foster, M. (2017)
Reflecting on the value of resources for internationalising the curriculum: exploring academic perspectives. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 1-10.
Increased interest in internationalisation of the curriculum (IoC) has led to the development of a range of resources designed to support staff in translating theory into prac...

In search of self-efficacy: development of a new instrument for first year Computer Science students

Journal Article
Bhardwaj, J. (2017)
In search of self-efficacy: development of a new instrument for first year Computer Science students. Computer Science Education, 27(2), 79-99.
This study explores the changes in Computer Science (CS) students’ self-efficacy between entering study and the end of first year of university. It aims to give course leaders...

Academic literacies: the word is not enough

Journal Article
Richards, K., & Pilcher, N. (2017)
Academic literacies: the word is not enough. Teaching in Higher Education, 1-16.
For Academic Literacies, the world is textually mediated; written texts and what informs them reveal elements such as subject-discipline practices. Furthermore, multi-modaliti...