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154 results

“This wall does more for mental health than the uni does”: Theorising Toilet Graffiti as a Safe House for Students

Journal Article
Victoria, M. (in press)
“This wall does more for mental health than the uni does”: Theorising Toilet Graffiti as a Safe House for Students. Innovative Higher Education,
Despite sometimes being considered unworthy of scholarly attention, the study of toilet graffiti, also known as latrinalia, has nevertheless garnered increasing interest among...

Special issue: Disciplinary perspectives in career development

Journal Article
Robertson, P. J., & Alexander, R. (2024)
Special issue: Disciplinary perspectives in career development. Journal of the National Institute for Career Education and Counselling, 52(1), 3-9.
This editorial sets the scene for the special issue, and provides an introduction to thinking about disciplinarity and interdisciplinarity in the field of career development.

Job-seeking narratives: in search of graduate capitals acquired during student placements

Journal Article
Smith, S., & Smith, C. (in press)
Job-seeking narratives: in search of graduate capitals acquired during student placements. British Journal of Sociology of Education,
Being a graduate is no longer sufficient to secure a fulfilling and rewarding graduate role. This paper drew on Tomlinson’s Graduate Capital Model to analyse the job-seeking n...

Introduction to Special Issue: Expanding Landscapes of Academic Writing in Academia

Journal Article
Woloshyn, V. E., Illingworth, S., & Obradović-Ratković, S. (2024)
Introduction to Special Issue: Expanding Landscapes of Academic Writing in Academia. Brock Education, 33(1), 3-9.
Academic writing is essential for disciplinary learning, academic success, knowledge creation, social status, and career advancement within academia (Fang, 2021). Academic res...

The first national subject benchmark statement for UK higher education in policing: the importance of effective partnership and collaboration

Journal Article
Pepper, I., Cox, C., Fee, R., Horgan, S., Jarman, R., Jones, M., …Tattum, C. (in press)
The first national subject benchmark statement for UK higher education in policing: the importance of effective partnership and collaboration. Higher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning,
Purpose The Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) for Higher Education in the UK focuses on maintaining, enhancing and standardising the quality of higher education. Of significant ...

The shifting sands of UK secondary music curricula: problematising relationships between aural training and music literacy

Journal Article
Donn, R., Stillie, B., & Moir, Z. (2024)
The shifting sands of UK secondary music curricula: problematising relationships between aural training and music literacy. Music Education Research, 26(1), 58-70.
This article, which is intended as a contribution to wider conversations around music literacy, explores current conceptions of music literacy within the UK, using the area of...

Learned words: how poetry can be used to reflect on staff belonging in higher education

Journal Article
Illingworth, S., & Grimwood, M. (2024)
Learned words: how poetry can be used to reflect on staff belonging in higher education. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 48(2), 208-225.
This research uses poetry as a form of data to explore a sense of ‘belonging’ for staff working in higher education. Poetic content analysis was explored as a research method ...

Co-creating The Learning and Teaching Journey with Postgraduate Research Students Who Teach

Journal Article
Dencer-Brown, A., Carlson-Webster, T., Piccio, B., Anderson, C., Adewale, O., & Taylor, S. (2023)
Co-creating The Learning and Teaching Journey with Postgraduate Research Students Who Teach. Journal of Perspectives in Applied Academic Practice, 11(3), 97-110.
Post-graduate research students (PGRs) often have teaching roles during their studies with little formal training or support (Lueddeke, 1997). Previous support at Edinburgh Na...

Discursive constructions of student midwives’ professional identities: A discourse analysis

Journal Article
Mcluckie, C., & Kuipers, Y. (2024)
Discursive constructions of student midwives’ professional identities: A discourse analysis. Nurse Education in Practice, 74, Article 103847.
Background The construction and performance of professional identity is significant to broader socio-cultural understandings of who ‘professionals’ are and what they do. Impor...

Teachers' Perceptions of online chemistry-specific CPD

Journal Article
McGill, C., Buchanan, D., Easson, M., Hendry, S., Macdonald, F., Murray, P., & Stewart, I. (2023)
Teachers' Perceptions of online chemistry-specific CPD. Science Teacher Education, 94, 18-25
A collaboration between chemistry educators, Edinburgh Napier University and the Royal Society of Chemistry presented a series of seven online professional learning sessions f...