Can Federated Models Be Rectified Through Learning Negative Gradients?
Conference Proceeding
Tahir, A., Tan, Z., & Babaagba, K. O. (2024)
Can Federated Models Be Rectified Through Learning Negative Gradients?. In Big Data Technologies and Applications (18-32).
Federated Learning (FL) is a method to train machine learning (ML) models in a decentralised manner, while preserving the privacy of data from multiple clients. However, FL is...
A System for Denial-of-Service Attack Detection Based on Multivariate Correlation Analysis
Journal Article
Tan, Z., Jamdagni, A., He, X., Nanda, P., & Ping Liu, R. (2014)
A System for Denial-of-Service Attack Detection Based on Multivariate Correlation Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 25(2), 447-456.
Interconnected systems, such as Web servers, database servers, cloud computing servers and so on, are now under threads from network attackers. As one of most common and aggre...
Detection of Denial-of-Service Attacks Based on Computer Vision Techniques
Journal Article
Tan, Z., Jamdagni, A., He, X., Nanda, P., Liu, R. P., & Hu, J. (2015)
Detection of Denial-of-Service Attacks Based on Computer Vision Techniques. IEEE Transactions on Computers, 64(9), 2519-2533.
Detection of Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks has attracted researchers since 1990s. A variety of detection systems has been proposed to achieve this task. Unlike the existing ...
Copy-move forgery detection using combined features and transitive matching
Journal Article
Lin, C., Lu, W., Huang, X., Liu, K., Sun, W., Lin, H., & Tan, Z. (2019)
Copy-move forgery detection using combined features and transitive matching. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 78(21), 30081-30096.
Recently, the research of Internet of Things (IoT) and Multimedia Big Data (MBD) has been growing tremendously. Both IoT and MBD have a lot of multimedia data, which can be ta...
Preserving Differential Privacy in Deep Learning Based on Feature Relevance Region Segmentation
Journal Article
Wang, F., Xie, M., Tan, Z., Li, Q., & Wang, C. (2024)
Preserving Differential Privacy in Deep Learning Based on Feature Relevance Region Segmentation. IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing, 12(1), 307 - 315.
In the era of big data, deep learning techniques provide intelligent solutions for various problems in real-life scenarios. However, deep neural networks depend on large-scale...
Improving Classification of Metamorphic Malware by Augmenting Training Data with a Diverse Set of Evolved Mutant Samples
Conference Proceeding
Babaagba, K., Tan, Z., & Hart, E. (2020)
Improving Classification of Metamorphic Malware by Augmenting Training Data with a Diverse Set of Evolved Mutant Samples.
Detecting metamorphic malware provides a challenge to machine-learning models as trained models might not generalise to future mutant variants of the malware. To address this,...
Multi-miner's Cooperative Evolution Method of Bitcoin Pool Based on Temporal Difference Leaning Method
Conference Proceeding
Ou, W., Deng, M., Luo, E., Shi, W., Tan, Z., & Bhuiyan, M. (2019)
Multi-miner's Cooperative Evolution Method of Bitcoin Pool Based on Temporal Difference Leaning Method. In 2019 International Conference on Internet of Things (iThings) and IEEE Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom) and IEEE Cyber, Physical and Social Computing (CPSCom) and IEEE Smart Data (SmartData). , (687-693).
Proof of Work (PoW) is used to provide a consensus mechanism for Bitcoin. In this mechanism, the process of generating a new block in the blockchain is referred to as mining. ...
A Probability Mapping-Based Privacy Preservation Method for Social Networks
Conference Proceeding
Li, Q., Wang, Y., Wang, F., Tan, Z., & Wang, C. (2024)
A Probability Mapping-Based Privacy Preservation Method for Social Networks. .
The mining and analysis of social networks can bring significant economic and social benefits. However, it also poses a risk of privacy leakages. Differential privacy is a de ...
Automatic Generation of Adversarial Metamorphic Malware Using MAP-Elites
Conference Proceeding
Babaagba, K. O., Tan, Z., & Hart, E. (2020)
Automatic Generation of Adversarial Metamorphic Malware Using MAP-Elites. In Applications of Evolutionary Computation. EvoApplications 2020. , (117-132).
In the field of metamorphic malware detection, training a detection model with malware samples that reflect potential mutants of the malware is crucial in developing a model r...
An Improvement of Tree-Rule Firewall for a Large Network: Supporting Large Rule Size and Low Delay
Conference Proceeding
Chomsiri, T., He, X., Nanda, P., & Tan, Z. (2017)
An Improvement of Tree-Rule Firewall for a Large Network: Supporting Large Rule Size and Low Delay. In 2016 IEEE Trustcom/BigDataSE/ISPA, (178-184).
The firewalls were invented since 1990s [1] and have been developed to operate more secure and faster. From the first era of the firewalls until today, they still regulate pac...