14 results

The lateral extent of the subsidy from an upland stream to riparian lycosid spiders

Journal Article
Briers, R. A., Cariss, H. M., Geoghegan, R., & Gee, J. H. R. (2005)
The lateral extent of the subsidy from an upland stream to riparian lycosid spiders. Ecography, 28(2), 165-170. doi:10.1111/j.0906-7590.2005.04020.x
Adult aquatic insects emerging from streams can subsidize riparian food webs, but little is known of the spatial extent of these subsidies. Stable isotope (15N) enrichment of ...

Developing an empirical approach to optimal camera-trap deployment at mammal resting sites: evidence from a longitudinal study of an otter Lutra lutra holt

Journal Article
Findlay, M., Briers, R., Diamond, N., & White, P. (2017)
Developing an empirical approach to optimal camera-trap deployment at mammal resting sites: evidence from a longitudinal study of an otter Lutra lutra holt. European journal of wildlife research, 63(6),
The study of nocturnal mammals relies on indirect evidence or invasive methods involving capture and tagging of individuals. Indirect methods are prone to error, while capture...

Dispersal of adult stoneflies (Plecoptera) from upland streams draining catchments with contrasting land-use

Journal Article
Briers, R., Cariss, H., & Gee, J. (2002)
Dispersal of adult stoneflies (Plecoptera) from upland streams draining catchments with contrasting land-use. Fundamental and Applied Limnology, 155(4), 627-644. https://doi.org/10.1127/archiv-hydrobiol/155/2002/627
Populations of benthic invertebrates in neighbouring streams are isolated from each other by intervening terrestrial habitat. The adult stages of stream insects that are capab...

From DNA to ecological performance: Effects of anthropogenic noise on a reef-building mussel

Journal Article
Wale, M. A., Briers, R. A., Hartl, M. G., Bryson, D., & Diele, K. (2019)
From DNA to ecological performance: Effects of anthropogenic noise on a reef-building mussel. Science of the Total Environment, 689, 126-132. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.06.380
Responses of marine invertebrates to anthropogenic noise are insufficiently known, impeding our understanding of ecosystemic impacts of noise and the development of mitigation...

cde - R package to retrieve data from the Environment Agency Catchment Data Explorer site

Journal Article
Briers, R. (2019)
cde - R package to retrieve data from the Environment Agency Catchment Data Explorer site. Journal of Open Source Software, 4(39), https://doi.org/10.21105/joss.01473

The thin(ning) green line? Investigating changes in Kenya's seagrass coverage

Journal Article
Harcourt, W. D., Briers, R. A., & Huxham, M. (2018)
The thin(ning) green line? Investigating changes in Kenya's seagrass coverage. Biology Letters, 14(11), https://doi.org/10.1098/rsbl.2018.0227
Knowledge of seagrass distribution is limited to a few well-studied sites and poor where resourcesare scant (e.g. Africa), hence global estimates of seagrass carbon storage ar...

First genetic evidence that invasive bullhead (Cottus L. 1758) in Scotland is of English origin and the difficulty of resolving the European Cottus species taxonomy

Journal Article
McLeish, J., Briers, R., Dodd, J., & Rueckert, S. (2020)
First genetic evidence that invasive bullhead (Cottus L. 1758) in Scotland is of English origin and the difficulty of resolving the European Cottus species taxonomy. Journal of Fish Biology, 96(3), 617-630. https://doi.org/10.1111/jfb.14247
The European bullhead (Cottus gobio) is widely distributed across Europe and within the UK is native to England and Wales, where it is protected under the Habitats Directive. ...

Applying Climate Compatible Development and economic valuation to coastal management: A case study of Kenya's mangrove forests

Journal Article
Huxham, M., Emerton, L., Kairo, J., Munyi, F., Abdirizak, H., Muriuki, T., …Briers, R. A. (2015)
Applying Climate Compatible Development and economic valuation to coastal management: A case study of Kenya's mangrove forests. Journal of Environmental Management, 157, 168-181. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2015.04.018
Mangrove forests are under global pressure. Habitat destruction and degradation persist despite longstanding recognition of the important ecological functions of mangroves. He...

Eurasian lynx natal den site and maternal home-range selection in multi-use landscapes of Norway: Habitat selection by denning Eurasian lynx

Journal Article
White, S., Briers, R. A., Bouyer, Y., Odden, J., & Linnell, J. D. C. (2015)
Eurasian lynx natal den site and maternal home-range selection in multi-use landscapes of Norway: Habitat selection by denning Eurasian lynx. Journal of Zoology, 297(2), 87-98. https://doi.org/10.1111/jzo.12260
In carnivores, securing suitable den sites with associated early maternal home ranges is important for successful reproduction, and understanding natal den site selection is e...

Phenotype-environment matching in the shore crab (Carcinus maenas)

Journal Article
Todd, P. A., Briers, R. A., Ladle, R. J., & Middleton, F. (2006)
Phenotype-environment matching in the shore crab (Carcinus maenas). Marine Biology, 148(6), 1357-1367. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00227-005-0159-2
The shore crab (Carcinus maenas) exhibits a range of carapace pattern polymorphisms, but little is known regarding their function or maintenance. If patterns represent some fo...

