7 results

Increasing offsite housing construction in Scotland: An evidence base to support new policy and systems

Mora, L., Deakin, M., Reid, A., Hairstans, R., Duncheva, M., Calcagno, C., …Lang, V. (2020)
Increasing offsite housing construction in Scotland: An evidence base to support new policy and systems. Construction Scotland Innovation Centre, Scottish Enterprise. and the Scottish Government
The purpose of this project is to provide evidence of the potential contribution offsite construction offers to address the challenges faced by the affordable housing sector i...

The mass-retrofitting of an energy efficient low carbon dioxide zone

Journal Article
Deakin, M., Reid, A., & Campbell, F. H. (2012)
The mass-retrofitting of an energy efficient low carbon dioxide zone. Proceedings of the ICE - Energy, 165, 197-208. https://doi.org/10.1680/ener.12.00004
This paper offers a case-study analysis of a recent attempt to reduce energy consumption and the associated levels of carbon dioxide emissions by way of and through what has b...

Sustainable Urban Development

Deakin, M. Sustainable Urban Development. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from http://researchrepository.napier.ac.uk/id/eprint/4660
This submission for PhD by publication aims to capture, reflect upon, analyse and offer critical insights into how the use of land and exchange of property can help serve the ...

Urban Regeneration and Sustainable Communities: The Role of Networks, Innovation, and Creativity in Building Successful Partnerships

Journal Article
Deakin, M., & Allwinkle, S. (2007)
Urban Regeneration and Sustainable Communities: The Role of Networks, Innovation, and Creativity in Building Successful Partnerships. Journal of Urban Technology, 14(1), 77-91. doi:10.1080/10630730701260118
The following examination goes against the current trend in policy on urban regeneration partnerships by relaxing the assumption that they represent virtuous circles of mutual...

Developing sustainable communities in Edinburgh’s South East Wedge: The settlement model and design solution.

Journal Article
Deakin, M. (2003)
Developing sustainable communities in Edinburgh’s South East Wedge: The settlement model and design solution. Journal of Urban Design. 8, 137-148. doi:10.1080/13574800306481. ISSN 1357-4809
Sustainable communities are seen as offering the opportunity to manage growth in plan-led and environmentally friendly patterns of settlement. The settlement model put forward...

Sustainable urban development: the framework and directory of assessment methods.

Journal Article
Deakin, M., Curwell, S. & Lombardi, P. (2002)
Sustainable urban development: the framework and directory of assessment methods. Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management. 4, 171-197. doi:10.1142/S1464333202000978. ISSN 1464-3332
Sustainable development is an issue that has attracted a considerable amount of academic interest since the publication of the Brundtland Report. With Agenda 21, it is an issu...

The assessment of sustainable urban development.

Journal Article
Deakin, M., Huovila, P., Rao, S., Sunikka, M. & Vreeker, R. (2002)
The assessment of sustainable urban development. Building Research and Information. 30, 95-108. doi:10.1080/096132102753436477. ISSN 0961-3218
This paper describes the outcomes of a survey of assessment methods for sustainable urban development (SUD) undertaken by an international network called BEQUEST. It addresses...