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Reflection on practice: Consultation skills

Journal Article
McLeish, L., & Snowden, A. (2017)
Reflection on practice: Consultation skills. Nurse Prescribing, 15(12), 600-604.
The aim of this case study is to illustrate how prescribing decisions can be enhanced through the use of systematic consultation, reflection on practice and relevant informati...

Holistic Needs Assessment: Changing Consultation Dynamics to Support Patient Self-management

Presentation / Conference
Snowden, A., & Young, J. (2018, September)
Holistic Needs Assessment: Changing Consultation Dynamics to Support Patient Self-management. Presented at 16th International Conference on Communication in Healthcare
Background Holistic needs assessment (HNA) helps patients articulate their wider needs during consultation. The study objective was to establish how HNA changes consultation d...

How people present symptoms to health services: a theory-based content analysis

Journal Article
Farquharson, B., Johnston, M., & Bugge, C. (2011)
How people present symptoms to health services: a theory-based content analysis. The British journal of general practice : the journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners, 61(585), 267-273.
How people present symptoms to health services may influence the care they subsequently receive. Leventhal's Commonsense Model of Self-Regulation (CS-SRM) posits that individu...

Telemonitoring based service redesign for the management of uncontrolled hypertension: multicentre randomised controlled trial

Journal Article
McKinstry, B., Wild, S., Pagliari, C., Paterson, M., Lewis, S., Sheikh, A., …Padfield, P. (2013)
Telemonitoring based service redesign for the management of uncontrolled hypertension: multicentre randomised controlled trial. BMJ, 346(may24),
Objective To determine if an intervention consisting of telemonitoring and supervision by usual primary care clinicians of home self measured blood pressure and optional patie...

The Patient Centred Assessment Method for improving nurse-led biopsychosocial assessment of patients with long-term conditions: a feasibility RCT

Journal Article
Maxwell, M., Hibberd, C., Aitchison, P., Calveley, E., Pratt, R., Dougall, N., …Cameron, I. (2018)
The Patient Centred Assessment Method for improving nurse-led biopsychosocial assessment of patients with long-term conditions: a feasibility RCT. Health Services and Delivery Research, 6(4), 1-120.
Background Annual reviews of people living with long-term conditions (LTCs) are mostly conducted by practice nurses (PNs), who focus on the physical needs of patients. The bro...

Problems of drug abuse, HIV and AIDS: the burden of care in one general practice.

Journal Article
Ronald, P. J., Witcomb, J. C., Robertson, J. R., Roberts, J. J., Shishodia, P. C. & Whittaker, A. (1991)
Problems of drug abuse, HIV and AIDS: the burden of care in one general practice. British Journal of General Practice. 42, 232-235. ISSN 0960-1643
Responsibility for many of the problems of intravenous drug abuse and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection lies with community care agencies, such as general practitio...

Scoping the nursing and midwifery research and development capacity in Scotland to inform the development of a future strategy

Journal Article
Fyffe, T., & Hanley, J. (2002)
Scoping the nursing and midwifery research and development capacity in Scotland to inform the development of a future strategy. NT research, 7(4), 255-262.
Scotland is currently developing a nursing and midwifery research strategy. This paper briefly describes the process and the groundwork carried out so far. Consultation on ini...

P109 Can A Theory-informed Interactive Animation Increase Intentions To Engage In Physical Activity In Young People With Asthma?

Journal Article
Brown, G., Hoskins, G., Williams, B., Murray, J., Skar, S., McGhee, J., …Hagen, S. (2014)
P109 Can A Theory-informed Interactive Animation Increase Intentions To Engage In Physical Activity In Young People With Asthma?. Thorax, 69(Suppl 2), A125-A125.
Background Participation in regular physical activity improves aerobic fitness and well-being. For people with asthma the benefits also include reduced hospital admissions, ab...

The clinical utility of the Distress Thermometer: a review

Journal Article
Snowden, A., White, C. A., Christie, Z., Murray, E., McGowan, C., & Scott, R. (2011)
The clinical utility of the Distress Thermometer: a review. British Journal of Nursing, 20(4), 220-227.
The Distress Thermometer (DT) is a well validated screening tool, demonstrably sensitive and reasonably specific to the construct of distress in cancer. Its brevity makes it i...

The Anatomical Society's core anatomy syllabus for undergraduate nursing

Journal Article
Connolly, S., Gillingwater, T. H., Chandler, C., Grant, A., Greig, J., Meskell, M., …Finn, G. (2018)
The Anatomical Society's core anatomy syllabus for undergraduate nursing. Journal of Anatomy,
The Anatomical Society has developed a series of learning outcomes in consultation with nursing educators delivering anatomical content to undergraduate (preregistration) nurs...



