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64 results

Choice of spectroscopic line shape model affects metabolite peak areas and area ratios.

Journal Article
Marshall, I., Bruce, S. D., Higinbotham, J., MacLullich, A., Wardlaw, J. M., Ferguson, K. J. & Seckl, J. (1999)
Choice of spectroscopic line shape model affects metabolite peak areas and area ratios. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 44, 646-649. doi:10.1002/1522-2594(200010)44:43.0.CO;2-0. ISSN 0740-3194
The use of Lorentzian model lineshapes leads to systematic errors in the quantification of in vivo (1)H NMR spectra. Experimental lineshapes are better modeled by the Voigt (m...

Multi-dimension modelling techniques for reciprocal space of NMR imaging

Conference Proceeding
Soufian, M., & Soufian, M. (1998)
Multi-dimension modelling techniques for reciprocal space of NMR imaging. In UKACC International Conference on Control '98. (Conf. Publ. No. 455), 1623-1628.
In this paper the application of multidimensional modelling techniques to a reciprocal space components of a nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) imaging system is considered. The...

Influence of cholecystectomy on sphincter of Oddi motility

Journal Article
Luman, W., Williams, A. J. K., Pryde, A., Smith, G. D., Nixon, S. J., Heading, R. C., & Palmer, K. R. (1997)
Influence of cholecystectomy on sphincter of Oddi motility. Gut, 41(3), 371-374.
Background—Gall bladder and sphincter of Oddi (SO) function are coordinated by hormonal and neuronal mechanisms. Nerve fibres pass between the gall bladder and the SO via the ...

Use of Voigt line shape for quantification of in Vivo ‘H spectra.

Journal Article
Marshall, I., Higinbotham, J., Bruce, S. D., & Freise, A. (1997)
Use of Voigt line shape for quantification of in Vivo ‘H spectra. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 37, 651-657.
Quantification of NMR visible metabolites by spectral modeling usually assumes a Lorentzian or Gaussian lineshape, despite the fact that experimental lineshapes are neither. T...



