9 results

Mediamorphoses: the political economy of the print media in the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland during the first decade of the post-communist era.

Gulyas, A. Mediamorphoses: the political economy of the print media in the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland during the first decade of the post-communist era. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from http://researchrepository.napier.ac.uk/id/eprint/3876

Citizen journalism.

Atton, C. (2007)
Citizen journalism. In W. Donsbach (Ed.), The International Encyclopedia of Communication, 487-490. Wiley-Blackwell. doi:10.1111/b.9781405131995.2008.x
Citizen journalism refers to journalism produced not by professionals but by those outside mainstream media organizations. Citizen journalists typically have little or no trai...

Publishing and the industrial dynamics of biblio-cultural identity in Catalan and Scottish literary fields

Boswell, D. K. Publishing and the industrial dynamics of biblio-cultural identity in Catalan and Scottish literary fields. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from http://researchrepository.napier.ac.uk/id/eprint/7247
This thesis provides a comparative analysis of the way contemporary processes of global change have affected the development of the publishing industry in nations which can be...

Alternative media: a case for development.

Journal Article
Atton, C. (2002)
Alternative media: a case for development. Scottish Left Review. , 10-11
What place do alternative media have in Scotland? The need for alternative media has emerged as an urgent one in these times of media consolidation and neoliberalism. ‘Alterna...

Far-right media on the internet: culture, discourse and power

Journal Article
Atton, C. (2006)
Far-right media on the internet: culture, discourse and power. New Media and Society, 8(4), 573-587. doi:10.1177/1461444806065653
This study examines the discourse of the British National Party’s (BNP) website. It explores the site as a form of alternative media, focusing on how it involves members and s...

Beyond the mainstream: examining alternative sources for stock selection.

Journal Article
Atton, C. (1994)
Beyond the mainstream: examining alternative sources for stock selection. Library Review, 43(4), 57-64. https://doi.org/10.1108/00242539410063605
There are thousands of small publishers, small presses and individuals in Britain currently producing textbooks, monographs, novels, poetry, journals, newspapers and other, no...

Sourcing Routines and Representation in Alternative Journalism: a case study approach

Journal Article
Atton, C., & Wickenden, E. (2005)
Sourcing Routines and Representation in Alternative Journalism: a case study approach. Journalism Studies, 6(3), 347-359. https://doi.org/10.1080/14616700500132008
This study is a first attempt to examine how the alternative media select, represent and deploy their news sources. The literature suggests that, in contrast to mainstream sou...

Bringing theory into practice: locating staff research in the undergraduate classroom.

Atton, C. (2007)
Bringing theory into practice: locating staff research in the undergraduate classroom. In L. Whistlecroft (Ed.), Creative Graduates: Learning and Research in the Creative Arts, 49-52. PALATINE
This case study comes from the final year undergraduate course, Alternative and Radical Media, which is taught on BA (Hons) Journalism; BA (Hons) Cultural and Media Studies; B...

Brexit has started: so what should Remain Vote Scotland do to protect its interests?

Blake, J. (2017)
Brexit has started: so what should Remain Vote Scotland do to protect its interests?. The Scotsman, Edinburgh, Scotland
This Scotsman newspaper article is based on research by James Blake - examining the impact of Brexit on the creative industries - and other reports from members of the RSE You...



