10 results

Healthcare and medical graduates of 2009; their reactions to four key proposals in the Scottish Government's strategic approach to tackling alcohol misuse

Journal Article
Gill, J. S., Gibson, C., & Nicol, M. (2010)
Healthcare and medical graduates of 2009; their reactions to four key proposals in the Scottish Government's strategic approach to tackling alcohol misuse. Alcohol and alcoholism : international journal of the Medical Council on Alcoholism, 45, 200-206. https://doi.org/10.1093/alcalc/agp084
Aims: This study compares the views of final year medical, and nursing and allied health professional (NAHP) students in relation to four governmental proposals impacting on t...

Modelling the effect of social affinity between nations on their development

Journal Article
Raeside, R. (2009)
Modelling the effect of social affinity between nations on their development. International journal of pure and applied mathematics : IJPAM, 50, 251-258
Nations have developed at different rates and this differential development is manifested on the wellbeing of their populations. The reasons for different rates of development...

Needing NoDI (normal democratic information)? The problem of information poverty in post-industrial society

Journal Article
Duff, A. S. (2015)
Needing NoDI (normal democratic information)? The problem of information poverty in post-industrial society. Information, Communication and Society, 18(1), 63-77. https://doi.org/10.1080/1369118x.2014.934389
The paper addresses one of the main paradoxes of post-industrial society: information poverty. While digital divides of various types have been extensively theorized and resea...

Employability, Poverty and the Spheres of Sociability - Evidence from the British Household Panel Survey

Journal Article
Canduela, J., Raeside, R., Lindsay, C., & Graham, H. (2015)
Employability, Poverty and the Spheres of Sociability - Evidence from the British Household Panel Survey. Social Policy and Administration, 49(5), 571-592. https://doi.org/10.1111/spol.12101
Policymakers in the UK and beyond have sought to promote interventions to encourage social capital-building among disadvantaged groups. One specific concern is that those with...

Changes in Media Policy in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Role of Community Media

Okon, P. E. Changes in Media Policy in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Role of Community Media. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from http://researchrepository.napier.ac.uk/id/eprint/7556
This thesis considers the role of community media in contemporary media policy developments of Anglophone Sub-Saharan Africa. The study is broadly located within the discourse...

Radical and Engaged Cinema in Scotland.

MacPherson, R. (2014)
Radical and Engaged Cinema in Scotland. In Directory of World Cinema ScotlandIntellect
A short history of radical and engaged films and filmmakers in Scotland from 1917 to the present.

Rating the revolution: Silicon Valley in normative perspective

Journal Article
Duff, A. S. (2016)
Rating the revolution: Silicon Valley in normative perspective. Information, Communication and Society, 19(11), 1605-1621. https://doi.org/10.1080/1369118x.2016.1142594
Silicon Valley, California – home of Apple, Facebook, Twitter, Google, and so on – is widely regarded as the epicentre of the information revolution. However, it is not just a...

Cyber-Green: idealism in the information age

Journal Article
Duff, A. S. (2015)
Cyber-Green: idealism in the information age. Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society, 13(2), 146-164. https://doi.org/10.1108/jices-10-2014-0049
Purpose This paper retrieves relevant aspects of the work of idealist thinker T.H. Green in order to improve comprehension of, and policy responses to, various dilemmas facing...

‘Living Rights’, rights claims, performative citizenship and young people – the right to vote in the Scottish independence referendum

Journal Article
Sanghera, G., Botterill, K., Hopkins, P., & Arshad, R. (2018)
‘Living Rights’, rights claims, performative citizenship and young people – the right to vote in the Scottish independence referendum. Citizenship Studies, 22(5), 540-555. https://doi.org/10.1080/13621025.2018.1484076
This paper examines the rights claims-making that young people engaged in during the 2014 Scottish independence referendum when the right to vote was extended to 16- and 17-ye...

Peripheral visions? Alternative film in a stateless nation.

Book Chapter
MacPherson, R. (2015)
Peripheral visions? Alternative film in a stateless nation. In C. Atton (Ed.), The Routledge Companion to Alternative and Community Media, (268-277). Routledge
Scotland is a small, stateless nation whose mainstream media and national cinema have generally been positioned by media scholars as constituting an alternative to the UK’s m...