'Siblings as better together': Social worker decision-making in cases involving sibling sexual behaviour
Journal Article
Yates, P. (2017)
'Siblings as better together': Social worker decision-making in cases involving sibling sexual behaviour. British Journal of Social Work, bcx018(1), 176-194. https://doi.org/10.1093/bjsw/bcx018
Sibling abuse is arguably the most prevalent form of family violence (Meyers, 2014), with sibling sexual abuse more common than parental sexual abuse (Krienert and Walsh, 2011...
Sibling sexual abuse: why don't we talk about it?
Journal Article
Yates, P. (2017)
Sibling sexual abuse: why don't we talk about it?. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 26(15-16), 2482-2494. https://doi.org/10.1111/jocn.13531
Aims and objectives
To explore two hypotheses for explaining why there is little written about sibling sexual abuse and to raise awareness of the subject in order better to pr...