7 results

Alternative and Citizen Journalism

Atton, C. (2008)
Alternative and Citizen Journalism. In K. Wahl-Jorgensen, & T. Hanitzsch (Eds.), The Handbook of Journalism Studies, 265-278. Routledge
This chapter examines journalism that is produced not by professionals but by those outside mainstream media organizations. Amateur media producers typically have little or no...

Bringing alternative media practice to theory: Media power, alternative journalism and production.

Atton, C. (2007)
Bringing alternative media practice to theory: Media power, alternative journalism and production. In J. D. H. Downing, & M. Pajnik (Eds.), Alternative Media and the Politics of Resistance: Perspectives and Challenges, 31-48. Peace Institute

The modelling of motorcycle ownership and usage: a UK study

Journal Article
Burge, P., Fox, J., Kouvenhoeven, M., Rohr, C., & Wigan, M. (2007)
The modelling of motorcycle ownership and usage: a UK study. Transportation research record, 59-68. https://doi.org/10.3141/2031-08
This paper presents work, undertaken for the UK Department for Transport, to help determine how policy could affect motorcycle usage. There are two important choices that dete...

Effect of attribute perceptions on mode choice behavior in a transit market.

Journal Article
Wan, Q., & Lo, H. K. (2005)
Effect of attribute perceptions on mode choice behavior in a transit market. Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 6, 1740-1750. https://doi.org/10.11175/easts.6.1740
Random utility models are often used to model traveler mode choice behavior in the demand analysis of a transit system. Transit operators might base their policy and operation...

Implementing Road User Charging: The Lessons Learnt from Hong Kong, Cambridge and Central London

Journal Article
Ison, S. G., & Rye, T. (2005)
Implementing Road User Charging: The Lessons Learnt from Hong Kong, Cambridge and Central London. Transport Reviews, 25(4), 451-465. https://doi.org/10.1080/0144164042000335788
Road user charging has long been advocated as a means of dealing with congestion in urban areas. Numerous schemes have been proposed but have advanced little beyond the drawin...

Determinants of visitor expenditure at a major sports event.

Conference Proceeding
Greig, M. & McQuaid, R. W. (2004)
Determinants of visitor expenditure at a major sports event
This paper develops a model of the determinants of visitor expenditure at a one day repeated major sporting event in Edinburgh, Scotland. An econometric model is developed tha...

Modeling competitive multi-modal transit services; a nested logit approach.

Journal Article
Wan, Q. K., Lo, H. K., Yip, C., & Wan, Q. (2004)
Modeling competitive multi-modal transit services; a nested logit approach. Transportation Research Part C : Emerging Technologies, 12(3-4), 251-272. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trc.2004.07.011
In metropolitan areas where multi-modal trips are common, modeling the combined-mode choices of travelers, and the strategic interactions between the private service operators...