13 results

Personal online reputation: the development of an approach to investigate how personal reputation is evaluated and managed in online environments.

Conference Proceeding
Ryan, F., Cruickshank, P., Hall, H., & Lawson, A. (2016)
Personal online reputation: the development of an approach to investigate how personal reputation is evaluated and managed in online environments. In IDIMC 2016: Exploring our digital shadow - from data to intelligence, (98-108
The main theme of the paper is the development of a framework to investigate how online information is used in the creation, building, and evaluation of personal reputations. ...

Developing a Theory-Informed Interactive Animation to Increase Physical Activity among Young People with Asthma

Conference Proceeding
Murray, J., Williams, B., Hoskins, G., McGhee, J., Gauld, D., & Brown, G. (2013)
Developing a Theory-Informed Interactive Animation to Increase Physical Activity among Young People with Asthma. In Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality. Systems and Applications; Lecture Notes in Computer Science. , (60-65). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-39420-1_7
The current paper describes the development of a theory-informed interactive animation and which aims to increase levels of physical activity in young people with asthma. The...

Catching even more offenders with EvoFIT facial composites

Conference Proceeding
Frowd, C. D., Pitchford, M., Petkovic, A., Skelton, F. C., Prosser, C., & Coates, B. (2012)
Catching even more offenders with EvoFIT facial composites. In 2012 Third International Conference on Emerging Security Technologies (EST 2012) (20-26). https://doi.org/10.1109/EST.2012.26
Facial composites are an investigative tool used by police to identify suspects of crime. Unfortunately, traditional methods to construct the face have rather low success rate...

Seeing More Clearly with Glasses?: The Impact of Glasses and Technology on Unfamiliar Face Matching and Identification of Facial Composites

Conference Proceeding
McIntyre, A. H., Hancock, P. J., Frowd, C. D., & Bruce, V. (2010)
Seeing More Clearly with Glasses?: The Impact of Glasses and Technology on Unfamiliar Face Matching and Identification of Facial Composites. In 2010 International Conference on Emerging Security Technologies (EST)doi:10.1109/est.2010.30
The development of facial identification technologies is of vital importance for security. We demonstrate that psychology can ensure innovation produces applications with effe...

Resisting’ Ritalin: parental talk about treatment medication in childhood ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder)/resistance au Ritalin: entretiens avec les parents sur le traitement medicinal pour traiter le TDAH (Trouble déficitaire de l’attention et/ou hyperactivité) infantile.

Conference Proceeding
Gray Brunton, C. (2009)
Resisting’ Ritalin: parental talk about treatment medication in childhood ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder)/resistance au Ritalin: entretiens avec les parents sur le traitement medicinal pour traiter le TDAH (Trouble déficitaire de l’attention et/ou hyperactivité) infantile
‘Resisting’ Ritalin: Parental Talk about Treatment Medication in Childhood ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). ABSTRACT Background: Childhood ADHD is a contested ...

The influence of internal versus external attributions of crime causality: A comparison between experts, semi-experts and lay-people.

Conference Proceeding
Murray, J. & Thomson, M. E. (2009)
The influence of internal versus external attributions of crime causality: A comparison between experts, semi-experts and lay-people
The overarching aim of the present research was to investigate the possible effects of attribution on the decisions made by clinicians in comparison to those made by trainee p...

Effecting an improvement to the fitness function. How to evolve a more identifiable face.

Conference Proceeding
Frowd, C., Park, J., McIntyre, A., Bruce, V., Pitchford, M., Fields, S., …Hancock, P. J. (2008)
Effecting an improvement to the fitness function. How to evolve a more identifiable face. In ECSIS Symposium on Bio-inspired Learning and Intelligent Systems for Security, 2008. BLISS '08doi:10.1109/bliss.2008.28
Constructing the face of a criminal from the selection of individual facial parts is a hard task. We have been working on a new system called EvoFIT that involves the selectio...

Evolving the face of a criminal: How to search a face space more effectively.

Conference Proceeding
Frowd, C. D., Bruce, V., Gannon, C., Robinson, M., Tredoux, C., Park, J., …Hancock, P. J. (2007)
Evolving the face of a criminal: How to search a face space more effectively. In ECSIS Symposium on Bio-inspired, Learning, and Intelligent Systems for Security, 2007. BLISS 2007doi:10.1109/bliss.2007.28
Witnesses and victims of serious crime are often required to construct a facial composite, a visual likeness of a suspect's face. The traditional method is for them to select ...

Adding Holistic Dimensions to a Facial Composite System

Conference Proceeding
Frowd, C., Bruce, V., McIntyre, A., & Hancock, P. (2006)
Adding Holistic Dimensions to a Facial Composite System. In 7th International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, 2006. FGR 2006doi:10.1109/fgr.2006.20
Facial composites are typically constructed by witnesses to crime by describing a suspect?s face and then selecting facial features from a kit of parts. Unfortunately, when pr...

Over-Observed? What is the quality of CCTV in this new digital legal world?

Conference Proceeding
Bromby, M., & Ness, H. (2006)
Over-Observed? What is the quality of CCTV in this new digital legal world?. https://doi.org/10.1080/13600860600580843
Much research and debate has focussed on the value of CCTV and the associated criminological aspects such as whether crime is reduced, or simply displaced, by its use. The aim...