The EU has spent considerable efforts in promoting sustainable urban transport for quite some time. One example for this are ELTIS with its databases with best practice examples and teaching and learning materials for universities.

The prime objective of PARAMOUNT is
- to make those instruments (news, databases, materials) more user-friendly and to provide the best possible support to users in obtaining information
- to considerably increase the number of examples, materials and translations offered and to include new content such as 'low emission vehicles & alternative fuels'
- to increase the number of users through brand building and professional marketing / 'Eltis is to be the Google search engine' for the world of transport
-to offer a focus on the new EU member states through training, traineeships, dissemination workshops and the translation of the most important examples into the languages of the new member states and to offer active end user support

  • Start Date:

    1 January 2006

  • End Date:

    28 February 2009

  • Activity Type:

    Externally Funded Research

  • Funder:

    EU Framework Programme 7 and FP6 and earlier programmes

Project Team