Research Output
Why More Companies are Going Dog Friendly
  Bringing pet dogs into the workplace is becoming increasingly common. Large companies like Google, Ticketmaster and challenger bank Monzo are just a few that have joined companies in the pet sector (like Pets at Home) that allow employees to bring their dogs to work. Dogs are even being labelled as a new “must-have accessory” in smart offices.

But research shows that 64% of workplaces do not have policies in place to support pets joining them. With anecdotal evidence suggesting that millennials are more likely to want to organise work around their pets, here’s how senior managers could benefit from allowing dogs into the office and how to go about doing it.

  • Type:

    Newspaper Article

  • Date:

    16 September 2019

  • Publication Status:


  • Funders:

    Edinburgh Napier Funded


Patrick, H. (2019). Why More Companies are Going Dog Friendly.


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