Research Output
Trainable Dynamic Subsampling for End-to-End Speech Recognition
  Jointly optimised attention-based encoder-decoder models have yielded impressive speech recognition results. The recurrent neural network (RNN) encoder is a key component in such models — it learns the hidden representations of the inputs. However, it is difficult for RNNs to model the long sequences characteristic of speech recognition. To address this, subsampling between stacked recurrent layers of the encoder is commonly employed. This method reduces the length of the input sequence and leads to gains in accuracy. However, static subsampling may both include redundant information and miss relevant information.

We propose using a dynamic subsampling RNN (dsRNN) encoder. Unlike a statically subsampled RNN encoder, the dsRNN encoder can learn to skip redundant frames. Furthermore, the skip ratio may vary at different stages of training, thus allowing the encoder to learn the most relevant information for each epoch. Although the dsRNN is unidirectional, it yields lower phone error rates (PERs) than a bidirectional RNN on TIMIT. The dsRNN encoder has a 16.8% PER on the TIMIT test set, a considerable improvement over static subsampling methods used with unidirectional and bidirectional RNN encoders (23.5% and 20.4% PER respectively).

  • Date:

    15 September 2019

  • Publication Status:


  • Publisher


  • DOI:


  • Funders:

    Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council


Zhang, S., Loweimi, E., Xu, Y., Bell, P., & Renals, S. (2019). Trainable Dynamic Subsampling for End-to-End Speech Recognition. In Proc. Interspeech 2019 (1413-1417).


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