Research Output
The Role of Data in Enhancing the Governance of Police Stops in Europe
  In this chapter, we consider some key aspects of data, transparency and accountability of police stops. What practices exist across Europe in relation to the recording of police stops and public availability of data? We explore what is meant by data quality and why it is important in the governance of police stops. We consider various potential intended purposes and uses of data in relation to oversight, for example, in relation to transparency, public confidence, effectiveness and equity. What role does data have in exploring the distribution of this police power e.g. proportionality and potential discrimination? How might data be used to facilitate reflection, learning and improvement? Case studies and vignettes are used to explore lessons learned and good practice examples in bringing improvements to data, transparency and governance of police stops. Concerns, challenges and unintended consequences regarding various aspects of the usage of data for oversight purposes are explored.


Aston, E., Lennon, G., Mouhanna, C., & Connolly, J. (2023). The Role of Data in Enhancing the Governance of Police Stops in Europe. In E. Aston, S. De Kimpe, J. Fazekas, G. Lennon, & M. Rowe (Eds.), Governing Police Stops Across Europe (197-233). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.




Police stops, Recording, Data quality, Governance, Oversight

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