Research Output
The RIVAL project: how to build a new network from scratch; how to adapt to enforced online delivery
  The RIVAL project ( aimed to build a ‘collaborative network of Scotland-based Library and Information Science (LIS) researchers and practising library and information professionals interested in maximising the impact and value of library and information science research.’

This was done by holding 4 networking events in 2019-2021, which delivered keynotes and presentations on ‘research into practice’ by academics and practitioners, and sessions on members’ activities. Members worked together on four tangible outputs: a further event (to be held later in 2021) to continue building the nascent community of practice; an article for Information Professional; a bid for funding to further relevant work; an evaluation of how well RIVAL achieved its aims.

• how to build a new network from scratch:
o laying foundations and piloting techniques
o publicising and communications
o enabling network members to engage with each other, via giving them some control over formats and outputs
o aiming for *tangible* outputs related to the network’s aims
o adapting to major challenges – in this case coronavirus/lockdown
o outcomes/evaluation of this work
o Looking to the future of this network/building a community of practice

• How to adapt when your face-to-face networking project is forced into online delivery
o Extra work: set-up and communications
o Learn from others
o Ensure there is engagement around tangible tasks

  • Type:

    Conference Paper (unpublished)

  • Date:

    07 June 2021

  • Publication Status:


  • Funders:

    RSE Royal Society of Edinburgh


Ryan, B. (2021, June). The RIVAL project: how to build a new network from scratch; how to adapt to enforced online delivery. Paper presented at CILIPS, Online



RIVAL, networking, online delivery, LIS practitioners, LIS academics, Library and Information Science, LIS

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