Research Output
TG1/201804/13rev2 Derivation of Goldeneye 706 grading machine settings for Douglas fir (IE & GB, C classes)
  In this report, settings for Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco), PSMN, are derived for the Republic of Ireland and the United Kingdom for the following strength class combinations:
C40/C30/C16, C40/C27/C16, C40/C24/C16, C35/18, C35/16, C30/16, C27/16, C24/C16, C24/14, C22/C14, C20/C14, C20, C18, C16 and TR26/C16.

  • Type:

    Confidential Report

  • Publication Status:


  • Funders:

    DAFM Department of Agriculture Food and the Marine


Ridley-Ellis, D., & Gil-Moreno, D. TG1/201804/13rev2 Derivation of Goldeneye 706 grading machine settings for Douglas fir (IE & GB, C classes). NUI Galway


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