Research Output
Relation algebra operations on formal contexts
  This paper discusses the use of relation algebra operations on formal contexts. These operations are a generalisation of some of the context operations that are described in the standard FCA textbook (Ganter & Wille, 1999). This paper extends previous research in this area with respect to applications and implementations. It also describes a software tool (FcaFlint) which in combination with FcaStone facilitates the application of relation algebra operations to contexts stored in many formats.

  • Date:

    31 December 2009

  • Publication Status:


  • Publisher

    Springer Berlin / Heidelberg

  • DOI:


  • Library of Congress:

    QA75 Electronic computers. Computer science

  • Dewey Decimal Classification:

    005.4 Systems programming and programs


Priss, U. (2009). Relation algebra operations on formal contexts. In S. Rudolph, F. Dau, & S. O. Kutznetsov (Eds.), Conceptual Structures: Leveraging Semantic Technologies. , (257-269).



Relation algebra operations; formal contexts; FcaFlint; FcaStone;

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