Research Output
Optical Concentrator and Associated Photovoltaic Devices
  Disclosed is a transmissive optical concentrator comprising an elliptical collector aperture and a non-elliptical exit aperture, the concentrator being operable to concentrate radiation incident on said collector aperture. The body of said concentrator may have a substantially hyperbolic external profile. Also disclosed is a photovoltaic cell employing such a concentrator and a photovoltaic building unit comprising an array of optical transmissive concentrators, each having an elliptical collector aperture; and an array of photovoltaic cells, each aligned with an exit aperture of a concentrator, wherein the area between adjacent collector apertures is transmissive to visible radiation.

  • Date:

    27 June 2013

  • Publication Status:


  • Funders:

    Historic Funder (pre-Worktribe)


Mallick, T. K., & Sellami, N. (2013). Optical Concentrator and Associated Photovoltaic Devices



Photovoltaic cells; Photovoltaic energy; Optical concentrators

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