Research Output
Multiple description transform image coder using correlating transforms
  The objective of multiple description coding (MDC) is to represent a source into multiple descriptions such that various reconstruction qualities are obtained from different subsets of the descriptions. In this paper, we report an application of a proposed method for MDC to image coding. The method adds statistical redundancy to a set of data such that lost streams can be estimated from the received data. We employ a different way of forming the descriptions. The technique is shown to be more efficient and also overcomes the assumption that requires communication of the DC components reliably through other means.

  • Type:


  • Date:

    31 December 2010

  • Publication Status:


  • ISSN:


  • Funders:

    Historic Funder (pre-Worktribe)


Khelil, K., Hussain, A., Berrezzek, F., & Djebbari, A. (2010). Multiple description transform image coder using correlating transforms. International Review on Computers and Software, 5(2), 150-155



Joint source channel coding, multiple description coding, Image coding

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