Research Output
Moving Towards Highly Reliable and Effective Sensor Networks.
  Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have been the preferred choice for the design and deployment of next generation monitoring and control systems [1]. In these networks, the sensor nodes forward their sensed data towards a centralized base station. The neighboring nodes frequently sense correlated data and forward towards the base station, using disjoints multiple paths [2]. As a result, the area around the base station becomes congested with all the traffic converging towards it. Apart from packet lost due to congestion, a significant number of packets are lost due to interference, packet collision, node failure and transmission errors [3]. For a successful monitoring of the deployed environment, the critical data collected by the sensor nodes need to be reliably and effectively delivered to the base station. Given the error-prone nature of the wireless links, ensuring reliable transmission of data from resource-constrained sensor nodes towards the base station continues to be one of the major challenges in the field of WSNs [4]. Retransmission and redundancy are classified as the two main approaches to achieve data transmission reliability in WSNs. However, retransmission and redundancy techniques perform better when using hop-by-hop transmission approach as compared to end-to-end transmission. Using hop-by-hop approach introduces in-node processing overhead and incurs high overall latency in reporting data to the base station. As a result, hybrid approaches need to be adopted to

  • Type:


  • Date:

    09 March 2018

  • Publication Status:


  • ISSN:


  • Library of Congress:

    QA76 Computer software

  • Dewey Decimal Classification:

    621.3821 Communications Networks

  • Funders:

    Edinburgh Napier Funded


Ahmad, M., Tan, Z., He, X., & Ni, W. (2018). Moving Towards Highly Reliable and Effective Sensor Networks. Ad-hoc & sensor wireless networks, 40(3-4), 163-168



Wireless Sensor Networks, next generation control systems, sensor nodes,

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