Research Output
Mode I fracture toughness of optimized alkali-treated Bambusa Vulgaris bamboo by Box-Behnken design
  Alkaline treatment is widely being used to treat natural fibres and it improves the fibre surface for better bonding with the polymer matrix. The aim of this study is to optimize the alkaline treatment variables that influence the strength of natural fibres, including bamboo, such as sodium hydroxide (NaOH) concentration, soaking and drying time. In this study, Box-Behnken design (BBD) of the response surface method was employed to set an experimental parameter of alkaline treatment for the bamboo specimen. In order to investigate the effect of treatment conditions on crack propagation behaviour of the bamboo along the longitudinal direction, Mode I interlaminar fracture toughness (GIC) tests were carried out. It can be suggested from the statistical analysis approach (ANOVA) that bamboo treated with 1 wt\% concentration of NaOH is able to reach fracture toughness value up to 365.86 J/m2, which differs by only 0.82\% from the experimental finding. It is also shown that all proposed variables for treatment in this study (i.e. the concentration of the NaOH) is highly significant with the soaking and drying time.


Roslan, S. A., Hassan, M. Z., Rasid, Z. A., Bani, N. A., Sarip, S., Daud, M. Y. M., & Muhammad-Sukki, F. (2020). Mode I fracture toughness of optimized alkali-treated Bambusa Vulgaris bamboo by Box-Behnken design. In M. Awang, S. S. Emamian, & F. Yusof (Eds.), Advances in Material Sciences and Engineering. , (565-575).



Fracture toughness, Bamboo, Box-Benhken design

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