Research Output
Geospatial Map of the Global Research on Sustainability and Sustainable Development: Generating and converting KML files to Map
  The animated map is handy for academics and practitioners, as a more dynamic alternative to scientific databases such as Scopus or ISI Web of Science in the quest to ease the identification of sustainability research publications within a city or region. More so, using this study animated map would be useful in tracking the trend of articles published over the years in the various countries.

A downloadable version of this study’s animated geospatial map is available at; which can be viewed with any web browser. An online conversion tool (GPS Visualizer - was used in converting the KML files which was earlier generated via CiteSpace.

  • Date:

    22 November 2017

  • Publication Status:


  • DOI:


  • Funders:

    The Hong Kong Polytechnic University


Olawumi, T. O., & Chan, D. W. (2017). Geospatial Map of the Global Research on Sustainability and Sustainable Development: Generating and converting KML files to Map. [Dataset].


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