Research Output
Field Based Photovoltaic Power Degradation Rates In Oman-Case Study
  Due to increase in demand for electricity usage all around the GCC there has been emphasizing on the usage of alternative sources of energy i.e. using solar, wind and ocean etc. on the other side accurate prediction of power delivery is crucial for estimating the performance of PV and return on investment. In this paper, a case study was presented on different PV technology under the local climatic influence. Analysis of the case study data indicates that the power degradation of all PV modules is observed to be around 2%/yr. and further emphasizing its effect on PV modules and system size it has been observed smaller modules (120Wp) and with respect to system size smaller systems degrades faster than larger systems. Hot and dry climate installed PV technologies has witnessed higher degradation than the Hot and humid climate region. In conclusion, it has observed that the degradation rates are much high in GCC than any other parts of the globe and thin film PV modules could be an appropriate choice for hot climatic regions whose degradation rates are considerable.

  • Date:

    26 February 2018

  • Publication Status:


  • Library of Congress:

    TD Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering

  • Dewey Decimal Classification:

    621.47 Solar-energy enineering

  • Funders:

    Edinburgh Napier Funded


Shaik, M., Gupta, N., & Goh, K. (2018). Field Based Photovoltaic Power Degradation Rates In Oman-Case Study. In tbc



Photovoltaics (PV); Degradation rates; Electroluminesence images (EL); gulf cooperative council (GCC);Mono C-Si (Mono crystalline silicon);Multi C-Si(Multi crystalline silicon)

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