Research Output
Evaluation of 3 techniques for determining diet composition.
  Over a period of four days, three goats were employed to compare three techniques applied to the study of herbivore diet selection, namely direct observation, faecal analysis and the recently developed remote control oesophageal fistula valve. Direct observation showed a relatively high level of precision with respect to the woody forage class but a poor measurement of the grass class. The ratios of grass to dicot were similar in the diets as determined by direct observation and valve fistulation, but faecal analysis over-emphasised dicots relative to the other techniques. The greatest overlap in estimated diet was between faecal analysis and valve fistulation. Overall, the valve fistulation technique was considered superior to the other two techniques because it provided reliable estimates of diet composition that could be readily equated to range conditions at the time of ingestion

  • Type:


  • Date:

    30 November 2000

  • Publication Status:


  • Publisher

    University of Arizona

  • ISSN:



Henley, S. R., Smith, D. & Raats, J. G. (2000). Evaluation of 3 techniques for determining diet composition. Journal of range management. 54, 582-588. ISSN 0022-409X



feces collection; diet study techniques; cud; direct observation; shrublands; errors; sampling; herbivores; goats; grazing; feeding preferences

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