Florian Cech of the Vienna University of Technology visits the Centre for Social Informatics
Florian Cech of the Vienna University of Technology visited the Centre for Social Informatics on 30th November 2016

Date posted

5 January 2017

Staff within the Faculty of Informatics at the Vienna University of Technology in Austria plan to establish a Centre for Informatics and Society (CIS) as part of the University’s Institute of Design and Assessment of Technology. They are currently engaged in identifying the scope and potential activities of this new unit. The early part of the work has focused on auditing the field and collecting information about other research institutions with a similar remit to that of the proposed Centre.

Researcher Florian Cech has recently embarked on a series of visits to some of the institutions identified in the audit to find out more about their operations and research interests. The first visit of his grand tour was to the Centre for Social Informatics at Edinburgh Napier University on 30th November for a set of productive meetings with academic and research staff.

For further information about the audit and visit, please see the blog post https://hazelhall.org/2016/12/22/florian-cech-of-the-vienna-university-of-technology-visits-the-centre-for-social-informatics/ on Hazel Hall's blog (http://hazelhall.org).