Research Environment

Our research environment has been designed to stimulate exploration of techniques across psychology, neuroscience and virtual reality. The research Lab is a central focal point for both the CEDAR research group and the Psychology group and brings together staff alongside postgraduate and undergraduate students into a single coherent space. Our dedicated laboratory scientist, Dr. Chris Gillespie has a background in experimental Visual Psychology and Physics and works with both academic staff and students on their Research Projects. At present we have specialist research groups operating that investigate the sense of olfaction, VR environment perception, neuropsychological correlates of Fake News, Visual Perception as well as a number other active individual researchers. Chris encourages and promotes a collegiate environment where both staff and students have opportunities to develop new skills such as using Neuroscience techniques and programming outside of their primary focus. Everyone using the lab is given the opportunity to use the hardware and software in the Lab such as wireless portable EEG and fNIRS devices, Eyetracking modules, VR Headsets, Emotion/gesture Detection software, wireless ECG/EMG/GSR devices and 360 video recording. The lab consists of a large number of individual interview rooms, three specialist computing room, a neuroscience suite, a CEDAR VR Suite as well as a meeting room/kitchen that are open to all Psychology and Psychology-related researchers.

Here is our blog of our research activities: