43 results

Literature Review on Antimicrobial Resistance In Relation To The Environment In Scotland

Wojcik, G., Anderson, L., Johnston, L., Moffat, S., & Morrison, D. (2024)
Literature Review on Antimicrobial Resistance In Relation To The Environment In Scotland. Environmental Standards Scotland
Commissioned literature review on the key causes, impacts and controls for anti-microbial resistance (AMR) in the environment that are relevant to Scotland. The review summari...

A Reflection On: Online Supportive Conversations and Reflection Sessions (OSCaRS): A Feasibility Pilot with Care Home Staff during the Pandemic

Journal Article
Johnston, L., Hockley, J., Watson, J., & Shenkin, S. D. (2024)
A Reflection On: Online Supportive Conversations and Reflection Sessions (OSCaRS): A Feasibility Pilot with Care Home Staff during the Pandemic. International journal of practice-based learning in health and social care, 11(2), 129-141
Abstract unavailable.

Practicalities of promoting practice‐based learning in end of life care for care home staff: Lessons from “online” supportive conversations and reflection sessions

Journal Article
Hockley, J., Watson, J., Johnston, L., & Shenkin, S. D. (2024)
Practicalities of promoting practice‐based learning in end of life care for care home staff: Lessons from “online” supportive conversations and reflection sessions. International Journal of Older People Nursing, 19(1), Article e12598. https://doi.org/10.1111/opn.12598
Introduction: Deaths in care homes and “at home” are anticipated to account for a third of UK deaths by 2040. Currently, palliative and end of life care are not part of statut...

Research Report for COVID-19 Public Inquiry

This report was commissioned by the Scottish Covid-19 Inquiry as introductory scoping research.

Online Supportive Conversations and Reflection Sessions (OSCaRS): A Feasibility Study with Care Home Staff during the Pandemic

Journal Article
Johnston, L., Hockley, J., Watson, J., & Shenkin, S. D. (2022)
Online Supportive Conversations and Reflection Sessions (OSCaRS): A Feasibility Study with Care Home Staff during the Pandemic. International journal of practice-based learning in health and social care, 10(1), 48-58. https://doi.org/10.18552/ijpblhsc.v10i1.743
Care homes care for people with complex needs, supporting them to the end of life and are now being seen as the ‘de facto’ hospice. Reflective debriefing for care home staff h...

Developing a Care Home Data Platform in Scotland: a mixed methods study of data routinely collected in care homes

Journal Article
Shenkin, S. D., Johnston, L., Hockley, J., & Henderson, D. A. (in press)
Developing a Care Home Data Platform in Scotland: a mixed methods study of data routinely collected in care homes. Age and ageing,
Background: Care homes collect extensive data about their residents, and their care, in multiple ways, for multiple purposes. We aimed to (1) identify what data are routinely ...

Foundation level barriers to the widespread adoption of digital solutions by care homes: Insights from three Scottish studies

Journal Article
Johnston, L., Koikkalainen, H., Anderson, L., Lapok, P., Lawson, A., & Shenkin, S. D. (2022)
Foundation level barriers to the widespread adoption of digital solutions by care homes: Insights from three Scottish studies. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(12), Article 7407. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19127407
The care home sector has great potential to benefit from technological innovations, and to be at the forefront of developing novel digital solutions to improve the experiences...

“Don’t let the trial kill the intervention”: How can researchers and care home teams implement complex intervention trials in care homes?

Journal Article
Shenkin, S., Gordon, A., Johnston, L., Henderson, C., & Achterberg, W. (2022)
“Don’t let the trial kill the intervention”: How can researchers and care home teams implement complex intervention trials in care homes?. Age and ageing, 51(3), https://doi.org/10.1093/ageing/afac068
There is a need for a context-specific sustainable model for conduct of high-quality research in care homes Implementation of research interventions in care homes needs c...

Practice based approaches to supporting the work related wellbeing of frontline care workers in care homes: A Scoping Review

Journal Article
Johnston, L., Malcolm, C., Rambabu, L., Hockley, J., & Shenkin, S. D. (2021)
Practice based approaches to supporting the work related wellbeing of frontline care workers in care homes: A Scoping Review. Journal of Long-Term Care, 2021, 230-240. https://doi.org/10.31389/jltc.66
The COVID-19 pandemic has reinforced the need to ensure that strategic and operational approaches to retain high quality, resilient frontline care home workers are informed by...

Written Evidence to Independent Review of Adult Social Care Scotland

Johnston, L. Written Evidence to Independent Review of Adult Social Care Scotland. Scottish Government

Johnston, L. Written Evidence to Independent Review of Adult Social Care Scotland. Scottish Government
• The evidence presented here relates to four research studies conducted in relation to workforce resilience, burnout and support around death and dying in the care home secto...
9 results

Care Homes Appreciative Inquiry into Retention

2022 - 2024
This proposal is for a programme of work that will involve both research and collaborative appreciative inquiry led quality improvement in Lothian care homes, targeted at improving the retention of hi...
Funder: NHS Lothian | Value: £100,327

Care Home Digital Foundations Landscape Assessment in South East Scotland

2021 - 2023
To conduct a Regional landscape assessment of the current digital foundations of care homes in the area. This work would identify for all care homes in the region details of (1) digital connectivity;...
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £43,985

Care Home Data - Governance, Ethics, Access Demonstration Project

2021 - 2021
A scoping and exemplar project on routes to accessing care home individual resident data for use in research and innovation
Funder: Scottish Government | Value: £30,000

Small roll out of OSCaRS and further research

2021 - 2022
In May 2020 the Team making this request for funds were awarded £20,000 from the CSO Covid Rapid Research Programme, to deliver and evaluate the provision of online supportive conversations and reflec...
Funder: Edinburgh & Lothians Health Foundation | Value: £21,495

A realist evaluation of the implementation of a Continuous Intervention Policy in inpatient mental health services in Scotland.

2020 - 2025
A realist evaluation of the implementation of a Continuous Intervention Policy in inpatient mental health services in Scotland. NHS Boards in Scotland are implementing new observation policies in line...
Funder: NHS Lothian | Value: £4,743

Online debriefings with care home staff after a resident’s death: improving coping mechanisms, team cohesion and communication with relatives

2020 - 2021
To support care home staff, it is essential to assist them to cope individually, within a cohesive team and support confident communication about death with excluded relatives. This project focusses o...
Funder: Chief Scientists Office | Value: £20,864

Avoiding Burn Out of Care Home Workforce: sharing national learning and local initiatives that support resilience and retention during the COVID-19 pandemic

2020 - 2021
A key issue arising from the Covid-19 pandemic for Care Homes is heightened risk of staff burn out, further undermining already problematic staff retention in this sector. This short, high impact stud...
Funder: Chief Scientists Office | Value: £9,317

Care Home Innovation Partnership - Ensuring a Whole Systems Analysis

2019 - 2023
• Conduct an ‘Audit’ of data items currently collected through electronic care planning in the 6 partner care homes to establish what data are routinely collected as part of resident care • Create a u...
Funder: Scottish Government | Value: £37,250

Care Home Data Platform

2019 - 2021
Care home research to develope a data and innovation platform to support inclusive, person-centred research in care homes in Lothian
Funder: NHS Lothian | Value: £28,882