29 results

A literary deep dive: Assessing the reporting rates of cetacean availability bias for estimating abundance from digital aerial surveys

Presentation / Conference

Do UK survey licenses for otter support best practice?

Journal Article
White, P., & Findlay, M. (2024)
Do UK survey licenses for otter support best practice?. In Practice, 48-52
Under the Habitats Regulations, resting/breeding places of otters (Lutra lutra) are protected from damage and disturbance, and ecologists are expected to identify such structu...

The impacts of forestry on breeding curlew distribution – a report to the Forestry Commission

McGrory, R., Briers, R., Findlay, M., & White, P. (2024)
The impacts of forestry on breeding curlew distribution – a report to the Forestry Commission. Forestry Commission
We were commissioned by Forestry Commission (FC) to utilise the large-scale Breeding Waders of English Upland Farmland (BWEUF) data and the wider literature to provide evidenc...

Optimisation of Open-habitat Bird Surveys – a report to the Forestry Commission

Borthwick, M., Findlay, M., Briers, R., & White, P. (2024)
Optimisation of Open-habitat Bird Surveys – a report to the Forestry Commission. Forestry Commission
In the process of offering financial grants to landowners seeking to create new areas of woodland in England, the Forestry Commission (FC) requires surveying of proposed woodl...

Choice of model and re‐nesting probability function influences behaviour of avian seasonal productivity models and their demographic predictions

Journal Article
White, P. J. C., Stoate, C., Aebisher, N. J., Szczur, J., Ferrer, L., & Norris, K. (2024)
Choice of model and re‐nesting probability function influences behaviour of avian seasonal productivity models and their demographic predictions. Ibis, 166(2), 455-471. https://doi.org/10.1111/ibi.13267
Measuring seasonal productivity is difficult in multi‐brooded species without labour‐intensive ringing studies. Individual‐based (IB) models have been used to estimate seasona...

An evidence-based approach to identifying resting sites of Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) from camera-trap and field-sign data

Journal Article
Findlay, M. A., Briers, R. A., Ingledew, R. P., & James Ciaran White, P. (2023)
An evidence-based approach to identifying resting sites of Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) from camera-trap and field-sign data. Wildlife Biology, 2023(1), Article e01036. https://doi.org/10.1002/wlb3.01036
Mammals' resting sites (dens) are important features of their ecology. Eurasian otter Lutra lutra resting sites are strictly protected by UK and European legislation and are o...

Habitat selection of smooth-coated otters (Lutrogale perspicillata) in the peri-coastal, urbanised landscape of Goa, India

Journal Article
Dias, S. J., White, P. J. C., Sinai Borker, A., & Vaz Fernandes, N. (2022)
Habitat selection of smooth-coated otters (Lutrogale perspicillata) in the peri-coastal, urbanised landscape of Goa, India. Mammal Research, 67(3), 299-309. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13364-022-00639-1
Human development can have detrimental impacts on the environment and its contained ecosystems. However, several species have adapted to thrive in human-modified landscapes. T...

Linking agri-environment scheme habitat area, predation and the abundance of chick invertebrate prey to the nesting success of a declining farmland bird

Journal Article
McHugh, N. M., White, P. J. C., Moreby, S., Szczur, J., Stoate, C., Leather, S. R., & Holland, J. M. (2022)
Linking agri-environment scheme habitat area, predation and the abundance of chick invertebrate prey to the nesting success of a declining farmland bird. Ecological Solutions and Evidence, 3(2), Article e12155. https://doi.org/10.1002/2688-8319.12155
1. Across Europe, farmland bird populations have continued to decline since the 1970s owing to the intensification of farming practices. Studies of such declines have tended t...

Multi-scale habitat selection and spatial analysis reveals a mismatch between the wintering distribution of a threatened population of Taiga Bean Geese Anser fabalis and its protected area

Journal Article
Thornton, M., Mitchell, C., Griffin, L., Briers, R., Minshull, B., Maciver, A., & White, P. (2022)
Multi-scale habitat selection and spatial analysis reveals a mismatch between the wintering distribution of a threatened population of Taiga Bean Geese Anser fabalis and its protected area. Bird Study, 68(2), 157-173. https://doi.org/10.1080/00063657.2021.1966740
Capsule: Our multi-scale habitat selection and spatial analysis of a threatened population of Taiga Bean Geese Anser fabalis highlights the importance of monitoring and review...

Genetic diversity of the Nubian ibex in Oman as revealed by mitochondrial DNA

Journal Article
Al-Ghafri, M. K., White, P. J. C., Briers, R. A., Dicks, K. L., Ball, A., Ghazali, M., …Senn, H. (2021)
Genetic diversity of the Nubian ibex in Oman as revealed by mitochondrial DNA. Royal Society Open Science, 8(5), https://doi.org/10.1098/rsos.210125
The Nubian ibex (Capra nubiana) is patchily distributed across parts of Africa and Arabia. In Oman, it is one of the few free-ranging wild mammals found in the central and sou...