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13 results

The next cyberattack could come from sound waves

Buchanan, B. (2017)
The next cyberattack could come from sound waves.
You might think your smartphone or laptop is relatively safe from cyber attacks thanks to anti-virus and encryption software. But your devices are increasingly at risk from “s...

US hack shows data is the new frontier in cyber security conflict.

Buchanan, W. J. (2015)
US hack shows data is the new frontier in cyber security conflict
More than four million personal records of US government workers are thought to have been hacked and stolen, it has been. With US investigators blaming the Chinese government ...

When amateurs do the job of a professional, the result is smart grids secured by dumb crypto.

Buchanan, W. J. (2015)
When amateurs do the job of a professional, the result is smart grids secured by dumb crypto
Security relies upon good programming and correct adherence to well-designed standards. If the standards are sloppy, then security has been compromised from the outset. Smart ...

Ashley Madison breach reveals the rise of the moralist hacker

Buchanan, W. J. (2015)
Ashley Madison breach reveals the rise of the moralist hacker
There’s value in more than just credit card data, as Avid Life Media (ALM), parent company of the extramarital affair website Ashley Madison, has found out after being raided ...

Apple and Starbucks could have avoided being hacked if they'd taken this simple step

Buchanan, W. J. (2015)
Apple and Starbucks could have avoided being hacked if they'd taken this simple step
Apple and Starbucks are two of the world’s most trusted companies, but their reputations were recently tarnished thanks to some novice cybersecurity mistakes. Both setup syste...

Edinburgh leading world in beating online crime.

Buchanan, W. J. (2015)
Edinburgh leading world in beating online crime. The Scotsman
Cyber security surges ahead in the capital, says Bill Buchanan As we become more dependent on the internet by the day, the risks around it also increase, especially from cyber...

Lenovo’s security debacle reveals blurred boundary between adware and malware

Buchanan, W. J. (2015)
Lenovo’s security debacle reveals blurred boundary between adware and malware
A widely disliked habit of PC vendors is their bundling of all manner of unwanted software into brand new computers – demo software, games, or part-functional trials. Faced wi...

If Obama is talking about securing the net, it should be on everyone else’s lips too.

Buchanan, W. J. (2015)
If Obama is talking about securing the net, it should be on everyone else’s lips too
We have spent years promoting the need for change in our approach to internet infrastructure, forcing politicians to recognise it as a serious issue. So it’s great to see Bara...

If you seek to ‘switch off’ encryption, you may as well switch off the whole internet.

Buchanan, W. J. (2015)
If you seek to ‘switch off’ encryption, you may as well switch off the whole internet
Prime Minister David Cameron has stated that the UK government will look at “switching off” some forms of encryption in order to make society safer from terror attacks. This m...

Codebreaking has moved on since Turing’s day, with dangerous implications.

Buchanan, W. J. (2014)
Codebreaking has moved on since Turing’s day, with dangerous implications
We have always been been intrigued by keeping secrets and uncovering the secrets of others, whether that’s childhood secret messages, or secrets and codebreaking of national i...