7 results

Visual Encodings for Networks with Multiple Edge Types

Conference Proceeding
Vogogias, T., Archambault, D. W., Bach, B., & Kennedy, J. (2020)
Visual Encodings for Networks with Multiple Edge Types. In AVI '20: Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces. https://doi.org/10.1145/3399715.3399827
This paper reports on a formal user study on visual encodings of networks with multiple edge types in adjacency matrices. Our tasks and conditions were inspired by real proble...

Visualisation Support for Biological Bayesian Network Inference

Vogogias, T. Visualisation Support for Biological Bayesian Network Inference. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from http://researchrepository.napier.ac.uk/Output/2158180
Extracting valuable information from the visualisation of biological data and turning it into a network model is the main challenge addressed in this thesis. Biological networ...

BayesPiles: Visualisation Support for Bayesian Network Structure Learning

Journal Article
Vogogias, A., Kennedy, J., Archambault, D., Bach, B., Smith, V. A., & Currant, H. (2018)
BayesPiles: Visualisation Support for Bayesian Network Structure Learning. ACM transactions on intelligent systems and technology, 10(1), 1-23. https://doi.org/10.1145/3230623
We address the problem of exploring, combining and comparing large collections of scored, directed networks for understanding inferred Bayesian networks used in biology. In th...

TetraploidSNPMap: Software for Linkage Analysis and QTL Mapping in Autotetraploid Populations Using SNP Dosage Data

Journal Article
Hackett, C. A., Boskamp, B., Vogogias, A., Preedy, K. F., & Milne, I. (2017)
TetraploidSNPMap: Software for Linkage Analysis and QTL Mapping in Autotetraploid Populations Using SNP Dosage Data. Journal of Heredity, 108(4), 438-442. https://doi.org/10.1093/jhered/esx022
An earlier software application of ours, TetraploidMap for Windows, enabled linkage analysis and quantitative trait locus interval mapping to be carried out in an experimental...

MLCut: exploring multi-level cuts in dendrograms for biological data

Conference Proceeding
Vogogias, A., Kennedy, J., Archambault, D., Anne Smith, V., & Currant, H. (2016)
MLCut: exploring multi-level cuts in dendrograms for biological data. In C. Turkay, & T. Ruan Wan (Eds.), Computer Graphics and Visual Computing (CGVC)https://doi.org/10.2312/cgvc.20161288
Choosing a single similarity threshold for cutting dendrograms is not sufficient for performing hierarchical clustering analysis of heterogeneous data sets. In addition, alter...

Hierarchical Clustering with Multiple-Height Branch-Cut Applied to Short Time-Series Gene Expression Data

Conference Proceeding
Vogogias, A., Kennedy, J., & Archambault, D. (2016)
Hierarchical Clustering with Multiple-Height Branch-Cut Applied to Short Time-Series Gene Expression Data. In T. Isenberg, & F. Sadlo (Eds.), EuroVis 2016 - Posters. , (1-3). https://doi.org/10.2312/eurp.20161127
Rigid adherence to pre-specified thresholds and static graphical representations can lead to incorrect decisions on merging of clusters. As an alternative to existing automate...

CO2Y the intelligent green solution: minimising carbon emissions by maximising shared travel opportunity.

Presentation / Conference
Urquhart, N. B., McEwan, T., Holden, R., & Vogogias, T. (2009, May)
CO2Y the intelligent green solution: minimising carbon emissions by maximising shared travel opportunity. Paper presented at Scottish Transport Applications Research Conference, Glasgow
It is in the interests of everybody that the environment is protected. In view of the recent leaps in environmental awareness it would seem timely and sensible, therefore, for...



