6 results

T/ensor/~ 0.3

Conference Proceeding
Papageorgiou, D. (2023)
T/ensor/~ 0.3. In Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression 2023
T/ensor/~ (version 0.3) is a prototype of a dynamic performance system developed in MAX that involves adaptive digital signal processing modules and generative processes towar...

Sound Dramaturgy for Poetic Documentaries

Journal Article
Stutterheim, K. (2023)
Sound Dramaturgy for Poetic Documentaries. International Journal of Film and Media Arts, 8(3), 59-73. https://doi.org/10.24140/ijfma.v8.n3.04
Sound dramaturgy as part of the aesthetic design of documentary films is invisible but most relevant, although often overlooked. The chapter gives a short introduction to dram...

Islay Jazz Festival

Journal Article
Medboe, H., & Maclean, D. (2020)
Islay Jazz Festival. Jazz Research Journal, 12(2), Article 3. https://doi.org/10.1558/jazz.40304
This article considers the ecologies and stakeholder interests that overlap in the staging of an annual jazz festival on a small Scottish island in the Outer Hebrides. Through...

Popular Music and the Anthropocene

Journal Article
Ribac, F., & Harkins, P. (2020)
Popular Music and the Anthropocene. Popular Music, 39(1), 1-21. https://doi.org/10.1017/s0261143019000539
Ribac, F., & Harkins, P. (2020). Popular Music and the Anthropocene. Popular Music, 39(1), 1-21. https://doi.org/10.1017/s0261143019000539

Two Hearts Beating

Dempster, K. (2017)
Two Hearts Beating
Grassmarket Community Project • Composition: Two Hearts Beating for soprano and guitar. • Performance 1: Grassmarket Community Project during Edinburgh Doors Open Day ...

Distant Voices

Dempster, K. (2016)
Distant Voices
Distant Voices - A unique multi-disciplinary performance, in which live musicians in Edinburgh connect, via video-link technology, with dancers on stage in Liverpool and Flori...